Outage of Electricity
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:55 am
Where we used to live for 10 years we lost electricity often, and at times especially in the winter it could be for extended periods of time. It is such a problem there that they have 3 huge diesel electric generators, and we had one at the boat landing, and it was part of my job to start that generator up, when the power failed, which was often. Anyway I woke up this morning to the back up UPS beeping, telling me the power was off. It happens so seldom here, that I wondered "What is that sound!" I guess many places in the Philippines the power is unreliable, and they schedule electrical shut downs, so that there will be enough electricity for everyone. I know my friend would moan and groan every time the electricity would shut off, as it ran the fans, and he was too hot all the time. It was comical to me, because the heat doesn't bother me, but it wasn't funny to him! We would go out on the back deck to try to get any breeze that would be coming off the water between Negros Oriental, and Cebu Islands. Those were fun times for me, and I still have pleasure thinking about being there and the experiences that I had!