Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

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Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby manilamadman » Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:18 pm

Filipinas rather than day dream about your wedding and honeymoon, are you willing to take action to achieve them? Because I love and admire Filipinas, I take my time to offer some suggestions that may help you obtain your dreams.

Most Filipinas on JadeRune and other sites offer a list of requirements--what they want the man to be, do, provide. Unfortunately most Filipinas make only a few comments about what THEY will do and provide other than the classic "I will love him" which is a nice comment but means little to an American man because love is a nebulous term that can mean anything or nothing.

Filipinas, remember why American men are here! American men work all their lives to provide food, clothing and shelter for their American wives and what do they get in return? Problems! An American wife who has a child, stays at home, has a car, has every appliance to care for the home, a credit card, watches TV, buys pre-made food at the store and then complains when their husband who has worked all day arrives home is tired and is not romantic, or wants a home cooked meal in the house he works to pay for with the food he works to buy. The American wife is bored, fat and not happy so she divorces her American husband and legally takes his money, his home and his children. To find an American husband, Filipinas must show you are different, that you will NEVER be like the American wife!

So Filipinas. Do not be a just younger prettier version of the American woman who took advantage of the American man. He is looking for quality. Tell him of your qualities. Your commitment. Tell him in your JadeRune profile what you provide in return for the home, food, clothes, financial security he provides. Say something like: Everyday I will show my husband that I respect him and will thank God I have found a a faithful, kind, loving man who provides for me. I will always care for my husband. I will prepare his favorite foods. I will care for his clothes. I will account for the money he provides. I will always put the wants and needs of my husband above those of my Filipino family. I will care for myself physically and remain as attractive to my husband as when he asked me to be his bride. By my attitude and actions everyday, I will create for my husband a home and wife he will always be proud of. I may not have money or a house or car or important career but with love and attention from the right American man I will dedicate myself to becoming the best wife he would dream for! (remember use your own words)

So Filipinas, if you want an American husband, you must think for a minute like him. He can see your profile picture, he knows you are a beautiful woman. He is not interested in your money. Your education only to the extent it helps you communicate with him. He is interested to know if you will respect him and how you pledge to treat him.

Remember the Proverbs 31 woman? That's what a man looks for.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Chas » Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:37 pm

Wow - Do you want a wife or an employee/slave. Love is a two way street of feelings and emotions and wanting to make each other happy. If you believe love equates to goods and services provided by the parties then you do not know nor will you find real love.

I started to write more but realised it just sounded like cliches. Good luck in your search and I hope you find true love with a new partner.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Tigger82d » Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:18 pm

I gotta agree that you have described american women pretty darn good. But you need to remember when the ladies here at jaderune describe what they want in a man they are willing to accept something different than that. Most seem to come from the province and have very little material things but they sure do have love, and I mean love that comes from the heart. All I can say is write several and get to know them. From there, who knows where it will lead.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby manilamadman » Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:26 pm


I am not here looking for a wife, girlfriend, partner or true love.

I post my comments because I have Filipinas as friends and realize most do not understand what American men look for. If my comments help one Filipina create a profile that helps her find a better life--then I am happy. Or each can ignore my comments--matters not to me.

American men are turned off by American women who are always telling what they (women want). So does it help a Filipina find an American husband by focusing her profile on what she wants? NO--it makes her sound too much like an American woman. Filipinas are beautiful, caring, nurturing women--so in the limited space of their profile they should describe their positive characteristics to American men. Filipinas who provide a profile that focus on positive attributes they bring to a marriage are much more likely to have a "TAKEN" notice by their name. Simple but effective marketing concept.

Your comment "Love is a two way street of feelings and emotions" is true but not enough for a successful marriage. We must put wings to our prayers and actions to our feelings. If all the Filipinas on this site wanted were feelings and emotions they can get those from Filipino men but feelings do not pay the bills, buy houses, clothes and food. Men must bring MORE than feelings. Many Filipinas come here because they want a better life which includes a man who provides not just "feelings and emotions" but want a man who is also a provider of a home, food, clothing, financial security for her and her children. While an American man will appreciate the feelings a Filipina brings he also wants assurance she is not prone to living only in emotion but will apply positive action to the betterment of her husband.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:24 pm

Yes, American women have the image of being fat, not doing anything but watching television, and forever making unreasonable demands for the man.

Some women here are feminists of the worst kind, and they think their mission in life is to usurp authority over the man.

Not all American women are horrible, but a lot of them are, and they usually get paid for their attitudes and actions.

We were coming back from the Philippines and had just landed in the SEATAC airport in Seattle, Washington. There was a woman at the airport that was just going bulistic, or exploding. She was mad because she didn't think the airport attendants were treating a piece of her luggage like she wanted. She was screeming, hollering, and yelling, and she was not nice. Our friend said that she reminded him of his ex-wife. He ex-wife when they were married went out of the house once with a hammer ready to pound the daylights out of his new pickup. I guess she didn't approve of the new pickup he got, but he said that he told her he was going to get it, and she said nothing, but he ended up taking it back and getting the kind of car she wanted.

I could tell lots of stories of American women and what they are like, but I think you all probably know without me telling you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby brat4300 » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:53 pm

Wow... I have to say this was an interesting read. Since I just got out of a relationship of 18 months to an American woman that was very selfish and didn't appreciate all of the hard work I had put into the relationship, I can somewhat understand where Madman is coming from.

Back in the day as it would be that is exactly how American women were. Back in the day none of them had to work and all they had to do was take care of their families needs and that was centered around their husband first. It seems in the Filipino culture the women are a lot like the American women of the past in the fact that they do take care of their families and cater to their husbands. Many men, myself included would love to be able to provide for a woman financially so they don't have to work and could be in the situation described above... but again I would want to cater to my wife's needs and wants as much as she caters to mine.

I think the simple point that Madman is trying to get across is for the Filipina women to show that they are different from American women, that is all. Write in their profiles that they are going to stand by their man through good/bad times and most of all show them how much they will always appreciate and love them until those words ring true "til death do us part". Sure tell us men what you are looking for but also tell us how they feel about loving their husband and how they will be there to take care of them like they will take care of her.

Maybe I'm off base but I love to be in love and I want to find a wonderful woman that appreciates all that I have to give her in this world... I would love to find someone that is willing to give to me as much as I give to them... I would love to find that great woman that will be with me for the rest of my life... and I am sick of selfish, self-centered, run for the hills when times get tough, what do I get out of it attitude, could care less about me and my feelings because it is all about what they are going to get American women... My brother married a wonderful Filipina and that is why I am here.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:39 pm

My wife is an American woman, and she is a good one. I don't think most of them are any good. She is loving and kind. I will have to admit that I have some disappointments with her, but then she probably does with me also. A lot of them are in the past, and that is where they need to be left. It is already too late to rectify most of them. She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year and a half old. She is still thinking that no body loves her, and she even wonders about me sometimes. She has been a very good mother,doing the best and all she could be our children. The grandchildren are mostly grown, the youngest being 12 years old. I try to be kind and say kind things although I fail sometimes. She is 69 years old and I am 65, and when she is gone I don't want to think about how I was mean to her. If I die first I don't want her to have unhappy memories of our life together. Carol has health problems but she takes as good a care of herself as she can. She works hard to eat right, take her medications, and pays attention to what the doctor tells her. She sees to it that I have food prepared for me and that my clothes are taken care of. I get cranky with her sometimes, and she gets grouchy with me at times too, but we love each other and take care of each other. Because of Carol's diabetic condition her feet are affected. It bothers her to have the weight of blankets on her feet, and I need to have blankets, and as a result she has not slept with me on a regular basis for at least 4 years, and I miss that, because I enjoyed sleeping with her all our married life, but no more for that. We do have sex every other night, although she begs off lots of nights saying she doesn't feel well, which a lot of the time she doesn't, and she says she is too tired, which a lot of the time she is. I just take what I can get, and I am happy with it, what else can I do? It is okay because she does it for me to help make me happy. If it were up to her she would never want it, and I think that has to do with her deteriorating health, and the medications she has to take. We have a lot of history together; 42 & 1/2 years, and so I think we will stick it out until the end. Carol is a good American woman.

Carol gets after me constantly for walking behind her. She doesn't like it. But if I don't walk behind her how do I know where she is going, and what if I am walking beside her, and she suddenly turns and walks right into me? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Chas » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:04 am

manilamadman wrote:Chas

I am not here looking for a wife, girlfriend, partner or true love.

I post my comments because I have Filipinas as friends and realize most do not understand what American men look for. If my comments help one Filipina create a profile that helps her find a better life--then I am happy. Or each can ignore my comments--matters not to me.

American men are turned off by American women who are always telling what they (women want). So does it help a Filipina find an American husband by focusing her profile on what she wants? NO--it makes her sound too much like an American woman. Filipinas are beautiful, caring, nurturing women--so in the limited space of their profile they should describe their positive characteristics to American men. Filipinas who provide a profile that focus on positive attributes they bring to a marriage are much more likely to have a "TAKEN" notice by their name. Simple but effective marketing concept.

Your comment "Love is a two way street of feelings and emotions" is true but not enough for a successful marriage. We must put wings to our prayers and actions to our feelings. If all the Filipinas on this site wanted were feelings and emotions they can get those from Filipino men but feelings do not pay the bills, buy houses, clothes and food. Men must bring MORE than feelings. Many Filipinas come here because they want a better life which includes a man who provides not just "feelings and emotions" but want a man who is also a provider of a home, food, clothing, financial security for her and her children. While an American man will appreciate the feelings a Filipina brings he also wants assurance she is not prone to living only in emotion but will apply positive action to the betterment of her husband.

I see what you mean and I suspect your comments are true of many nationalities, not just American. No doubt you could insert British or Australian and it would be just as true. Maybe Michael needs to add another section to the application form?

If you bring a Filipina back to the USA (or England or Australia etc.) does she retain those Filipina characteristics or does immersion in a 'Western' culture cause her to metormorphose into a 'typical American woman'? I suppose I am wondering what causes 'Western women' to act as they do (I suspect no single or simple answer). Also does it imply you have to live in the Philippines for your Filipina to retain those characteristics that some are searching for.

I should add these are huge generalisations and I appreciate there are exceptions to these stereotypes.
Last edited by Chas on Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Chas » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:07 am

Edwin wrote:My wife is an American woman, and she is a good one. I don't think most of them are any good. She is loving and kind. I will have to admit that I have some disappointments with her, but then she probably does with me also. A lot of them are in the past, and that is where they need to be left. It is already too late to rectify most of them. She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year and a half old. She is still thinking that no body loves her, and she even wonders about me sometimes. She has been a very good mother,doing the best and all she could be our children. The grandchildren are mostly grown, the youngest being 12 years old. I try to be kind and say kind things although I fail sometimes. She is 69 years old and I am 65, and when she is gone I don't want to think about how I was mean to her. If I die first I don't want her to have unhappy memories of our life together. Carol has health problems but she takes as good a care of herself as she can. She works hard to eat right, take her medications, and pays attention to what the doctor tells her. She sees to it that I have food prepared for me and that my clothes are taken care of. I get cranky with her sometimes, and she gets grouchy with me at times too, but we love each other and take care of each other. Because of Carol's diabetic condition her feet are affected. It bothers her to have the weight of blankets on her feet, and I need to have blankets, and as a result she has not slept with me on a regular basis for at least 4 years, and I miss that, because I enjoyed sleeping with her all our married life, but no more for that. We do have sex every other night, although she begs off lots of nights saying she doesn't feel well, which a lot of the time she doesn't, and she says she is too tired, which a lot of the time she is. I just take what I can get, and I am happy with it, what else can I do? It is okay because she does it for me to help make me happy. If it were up to her she would never want it, and I think that has to do with her deteriorating health, and the medications she has to take. We have a lot of history together; 42 & 1/2 years, and so I think we will stick it out until the end. Carol is a good American woman.

Carol gets after me constantly for walking behind her. She doesn't like it. But if I don't walk behind her how do I know where she is going, and what if I am walking beside her, and she suddenly turns and walks right into me? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

42+ years, you must both be doing something right :D
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Re: Do you want a REAL wedding and honeymoon?

Postby Edwin » Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:12 am

Thanks, Chas! :D :D :D :D
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