Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:28 am
This is a question that many people have struggled with. I have heard someone say in the past that they intended to go to hell because all of their friends are going there! Well, when they get there I don't think their friends will mean anything to them, because hell or the lake of fire is a place of torment, and if you end up there, you will be like the rich man wondering where you can get a drop of water to put on your tongue. We don't like to think about hell, or the lake of fire, but they are real places and people are going there by the droves. In fact Jesus suggested that more people will end up in hell or the lake of fire than will end up in heaven. Broad is the way to destruction and many there be who go that road, but straight and narrow is the way to eternal life, and few there be that find it. Everyone is not going to heaven. Jesus died for our sins so that we can have the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. So which way are you going? You can make the decision to do what is right and live for God if you will.