The time has come for the Okanogan County Fair. They usually have various fairs on various weekends so that people can attend more than one if they like. The fairs are kind of fun to go to, and this one is in our county so we have been going to it since, well, forever. Years ago when our kids were toddlers we gave them elephant rides at the fair. When the kids were little we would put them on all the carnival rides they wanted to go on, and we went on a few of them ourselves.
Now that our kids are grown and gone, we just enjoy looking at all the exibits, and the animals. They have horses, pigs, cows, chickens, rabbits, and all the domesticated animals you can imagine that usually the kids raise as their 4 H projects. We like to look at the farm tractors and machinery both old and new. It is fun to eat something at the fair as well. We have been taking a lunch to save money, and then we eat a little something, so that we can have that fun too! The Okanogan Fire Department has a fun money raising booth. They sell icecream cones or icecream in a dish. They give you so much that it is sinful to eat it! Not really, but boy they are good. I usually get a large maple nut icecream cone, and it is so large that it is a challenge to eat it before it runs away and drips all over everything. I do pretty well with it though. They also have amature music, both popular, country style, and gospel, and it is a lot of fun to listen to that as well. Can you tell that I like to go to the fair?