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Love Struck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:00 am
by Edwin
If you are moonstruck you are thought to be insane and affected by phases of the moon. That is where the word lunitic comes from. There is a chocolate company named the Moonstruck Chocolate Company. There is also a movie dating from the 1980s called "Moonstruck." There is also a Moonstruck Restaurant. There is also a Moon Struck store in Kentucky that caterers to the evil wiccan devil worshipping people. There are a lot of businesses named Moonstruck.

Lunacy and insanity comes from the Latin word for moon. "The Lunar Effect" describes the influence of the moon on people's behavior.

From the American Heritage Dictionary: Moonstruck, or Moonstricken:

1.Dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment.
2.Affected by insanity; crazed.
[From the belief that the moon caused insanity.]

Does moonstruck have something to do with love and romance? Also is moonstruck something like love struck? What does it mean to be lovestuck? :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D

Re: Moon Struck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:37 pm
by Smiley
Every year or two some hack reporter will do a story on how the full moon affects behavior.Usually a totally un-researched piece of crap! These articles will usually contain a statement,something to the effect of"Anybody who works in a mental institution will tell you that they dread a full moon" or that" when "a full moon is approaching,security knows that it is time to batten down the hatches".
I worked in the security department of such a facility for two years.We got into a discussion on the subject after a violent episode which occurred during a full moon. We actually went through all security incident reports for about 7 years and there was no increase in reportable behavior during full moons.
A lot of people seem to want to believe in weird and occult things but most of them do not stand up to the light of scrutiny.

Re: Love Struck

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:59 pm
by Edwin
Thank you, Smiley, for your input about the idea of being moonstruck! I have heard rumors about it in the past, and I have heard about people being kept inside away from the effects of the full moon! I have never observed any effects from it on me or anyone close to me. So, I think I tend to agree with you on this, and the study really puts to rest this idea!

Okay, now that we have that settled, is there such a thing as being "Love Struck?" Also, what does it mean. I think the full moon is very romantic, don't you agree? We had two of them in August, so there was a double chance to be "Love Struck!" I still remember being in awe when I was a little guy, about how light it was in the winter when the moon was full! I think the snow reflected the moon light, and made it even lighter. A full moon unobstructed can give a quite a bit of light.

Walking with your sweetheart, in the dark, but in the light of the full moon, I think is very romantic! What do you think? This is somewhat like walking in the rain. I think that is very romantic also. Who cares if you get wet, as long as you don't get sick. Get in shortly, get your clothes off, get dried off, and put dry clothes on, eat some chocolate candy, and then you should be happier than ever! What do you think? :D :D