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Moral Support

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:16 pm
by Edwin
What are friends for but to back you up, making you feel better about everything! They stick with you through thick and thin! When you need them they are there for you. This on post on visa journey kind of tickled me. It was very funny for me to read, but I'm not sure it was really funny for the people involved. Here is what happened:

My wife's best friend and her sister's came with us to the embassy. Then when we came out at 10:30 they were no where to be found... off to a cafe across the way eating... , about an hour later they showed up.

There moral support let them down. Actually it seemed really funny, just the story, but I doubt seriously that is that bad a deal. The people being interviewed were really going though it, with the stress and all, and the best friend and the sister were across town eating! :D :D

Re: Moral Support

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:33 pm
by red
I thought u better post it on jokers corner. Its funny indeed. After my interview, i have not been on that website.

Re: Moral Support

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:11 pm
by Edwin
Yes, Red, it could have been on the jokers posting, as it was pretty funny! You count on your friends to be there for you, and where are they? They are across town eating and enjoying while you are sweeting it out! I can understand about you not being on that site after your interview as I think the process is quite overwhelming, and for many it is discouraging at times. So when you finish you are glad to have it over with! I PM ed you with some people who talked about reduced rates for married immigrants leaving the Philippines for the first time. It is something you might be interested in looking into. There may be more information available by searching for it, or asking the members, but I just ran across it while reading stuff for fun. I am temporarily alone, but Carol is not far away, about an hour's drive, so I just went down there this morning, and because she is gone I have more time on my hands, so I am reading visa journey for fun! There is some humor there alright, but sometimes it is not funny for the people involved, only funny because I am not personally involved! :lol: :lol:

Re: Moral Support

PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:46 am
by crisipicada
My family is always behind me, I know that. Even to those out there, here in the Philippines, we know that family will stick to us.

There are family members that is so sensitive to what the other is feeling or going on. Just like my mother, she is so concerned to me. She is always looking forward what is best for me. In fact her decisions, i also accept it.I am thankful for my family members that they are always giving me wise advice but final decision come from me. Aside from that, I pray to God also that decisions I make will be always in God's direction too.

Re: Moral Support

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:22 am
by Edwin
I think that is a wonderful quality of the Philippine culture, is that families stick together, and provide support for each other. I think at one time that was true here in the USA, but not any more for most people. Most people here don't know their neighbors and don't care about them. Many of them only think of themselves and are not ready to help or support anyone. I think many here in the USA are fulfilling that scriptural prophecy that talks about the parents and the children being again each other, and even betraying each other. Many parents do not take care of their children, do not set an example for them, and then they wonder why the children turn out as they do. Many children are disrespectful of their parents, and they don't care what happens to them. Instead of taking care of them as their parents did for them, they stick them somewhere off in a hold for older people so they won't have to be bothered with them.

I am very happy that so many filipino people are concerned about their own people, and they want the best for them, and are looking out for their welfare! Advice from family is great, and it is proper that the final decision is made by the individual. God's guidance is the most important! :D :D