Setting Standard For Christian

I would like to share to you the message that I have learned about Setting Standard for Christian.
As Christian, we must set our standard high above the world. This is to protect us and live a good and fulfilling life. Hereunder, the message that I have learned.
Setting Standards for Christians
Acts 15:1-32, 40-41; 16:4-5
1. The definition of terms we need to understand
A. A principle is a general truth, law or rule which a person or an organization should live by.
1) There are many different sources for the principles by which people live.
[*]a. Family
b. Religion
c. Culture or society
d. Influential persons
2) For the Christian, the WORD OF GOD must be the basis for what we believe and how we live. (Psa. 19:7-9)
3) Our principles for life must not be from the world. (I Jn.. 2:15-17)
B. A standard is an established guidance to help a person apply and follow a principle.
Examples: Acts 15:28-32; Psalm 101:3; Job 31:1, I Cor. 6:19-20; II Cor. 4:1-2
2. The demand for standards in all areas of life
A. Standards of conduct, behaviour and attire are commonly practiced in society.
B. Standards are also necessary in our personal lives as Christians. (Eph. 4:21-5:12)
C. Standards are very important in the local church.
3. The development of standards in the local church
A. The pastor must be the leader in determining the standards for the church and its ministries. (Acts 6:1-4, 15:13, 19-23; 20:17-18, 28; I Tim 3:14-15:11-13)
B. The Biblical principles for the standards must be explained to the church with the right Spirit. (IPeter 5:1-4)
C. Members of the church should follow the standards developed by the leadership of the church. (Heb 13:7,17)
4. The difference between the levels of standards in the local church.
A. The standard for church membership is salvation and baptism. (Acts 2:41)
B. The standard for godly Christian living is higher than church membership. (Tit. 2:1-3:9, 14)
C. The standard for leadership in the church is the highest of all. (Acts 6:1-7; I Tim. 3:1-6; Tit. 1:5-9)
September 23, 2012 – Sunday Service Afternoon.
As Christian, we must set our standard high above the world. This is to protect us and live a good and fulfilling life. Hereunder, the message that I have learned.
Setting Standards for Christians
Acts 15:1-32, 40-41; 16:4-5
1. The definition of terms we need to understand
A. A principle is a general truth, law or rule which a person or an organization should live by.
1) There are many different sources for the principles by which people live.
[*]a. Family
b. Religion
c. Culture or society
d. Influential persons
2) For the Christian, the WORD OF GOD must be the basis for what we believe and how we live. (Psa. 19:7-9)
3) Our principles for life must not be from the world. (I Jn.. 2:15-17)
B. A standard is an established guidance to help a person apply and follow a principle.
Examples: Acts 15:28-32; Psalm 101:3; Job 31:1, I Cor. 6:19-20; II Cor. 4:1-2
2. The demand for standards in all areas of life
A. Standards of conduct, behaviour and attire are commonly practiced in society.
B. Standards are also necessary in our personal lives as Christians. (Eph. 4:21-5:12)
C. Standards are very important in the local church.
3. The development of standards in the local church
A. The pastor must be the leader in determining the standards for the church and its ministries. (Acts 6:1-4, 15:13, 19-23; 20:17-18, 28; I Tim 3:14-15:11-13)
B. The Biblical principles for the standards must be explained to the church with the right Spirit. (IPeter 5:1-4)
C. Members of the church should follow the standards developed by the leadership of the church. (Heb 13:7,17)
4. The difference between the levels of standards in the local church.
A. The standard for church membership is salvation and baptism. (Acts 2:41)
B. The standard for godly Christian living is higher than church membership. (Tit. 2:1-3:9, 14)
C. The standard for leadership in the church is the highest of all. (Acts 6:1-7; I Tim. 3:1-6; Tit. 1:5-9)
September 23, 2012 – Sunday Service Afternoon.