mystic, Halloween in our country, USA has never been a holiday that I am aware of, but most people do celebrate it with their evenings and weekends. I think it is a pagan holiday. Once when I was a little guy growing up I went with the churches kids/youths to trick or treat, and that was a lot of fun for me, as I had never done anything like that before. I remember that it snowed on that night for the first time, and that increased the mystic of that evening. The idea is that you go up to someone's door, knock, when they come to the door, you say trick or treat! If they give you a treat you don't bother them, but if they don't you play some kind of an innocent trick on them, or some people even damage their property if a treat is not given. People dress up in costumes that make them into some other person, either unique, questionable, or scary. When I was a kid, lots of damage was done to our town, which we lived 3 & 1/2 miles from. They would leave an outhouse on main street. Some of the bad kids would throw tacks all over the street hoping to ruin someone's tires. We took our kids to safe neighborhoods to do trick or treating. Mean and vicious tricks were played by horrible people on the kids trick or treatings, like putting razor blades in food, or broken glass in food. But we stayed with the safe neighborhoods where people were kind and descent.
We grew up thinking halloween was fun, and you could have parties, and go trick or treating. But, since our kids have become adults they have decided that Halloween was a devilish evil celebration, and they refuse to observe it in any way. I had a friend who was a fellow trombonist with me in the orchestra who felt the same way, and then I learned our kids adopted that same idea. The churches all have celebrations/parties to get the kids off the streets and keep them safe. This friend of mine and our kids do not believe the churches should do that because in their view the churches are observing Halloweeen, and they are associating themselves with evil, but I don't agree with that, because I think it is great that the churches are getting kids off the streets, giving them treats and games, and keeping them safe! Where we used to live the community as a whole would have one big party for kids, adults, and everyone, and everyone dressed up and got involved. Theiy refuse to call it Halloweeen, but they call it the Harvest Party. Maybe some places it is called the Day of the Dead, like in Mexico, or Soul's Day.