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Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:21 am

Next Tuesday will be the US elections.Without starting a war,would anybody care to make a prediction on the outcome?

I hope that we can remain civil toward each other even if we might have different points of view on the matter :D
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:26 am

For what its worth I really think that Romney will win by a safe margin.He seems to be picking up support daily.
Oh well,time will tell.
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:45 am

Smiley, this is very interesting because many in our family hate each other over these candidates. I will give you a little run down on this colorful subject. Personally many in our family are opposed to Barac Obama because of his support of abortions and gay marriages, and gay rights activists. We are also opposed to his economic policies, and we think in various ways he has done a lot of damage to our country since he has been in office. Our niece, daughter of the guy who live in Guimaras Island for almost 14 years, and longer if you consider time he spent inspecting ships in the Philippines, anyway, his daughter is fascinated with Ronald Riggan's history, and of course she is a devoted republican, so she supports the republican candidates. She is a high up person in the Boeing's plant in North Seattle, and she took us through the plant where they make those airplanes last April, which was so much fun! Most of my immediate family is opposed to Obama.

Now the other side. My older sister voted for Obama in the last election, and my younger sister got sucked in by her to vote for Obama as well. Our Mom's youngest sister who is still alive and 92 I think, anyway her granddaugther is married to a Muslim, so I guess you know who they support. They are militant. They get angry with my other cousins for posting anti Obama information on facebook. They have gotten angry at us as well, but they still communicate and are descent. One of my cousins told another cousin that she was disowning her as a cousin because she was opposed to Obama.

My neice, my older sister's daughter gave the acceptance speech for Obama at the Boeing's plant when he visited there some months ago. You will have to understand my anti Obama stance to appreciate what I am going to say next! She went on and on about how important that day was to her, said all kinds of flowery stuff about Obama, welcomed him, and Barac Obama stood there, and he and my niece hugged each other, and it just made me want to puke!!!! So I guess you have my feelings on that subject. They are all going to vote for Obama, and we are all going to vote against him. My cousin is constantly posting stuff on facebook about republican lies, deceits and something else that I can't remember just now. Anyway 2 other of my cousins hate each other right now over supporting or opposing Obama. I hope he doesn't get reelected, but who knows. We think the damage to our country that he has done with his last four years will escalate if he is reelected. Somewhat humorous and somewhat serious, huh? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:07 am

Wow it seems that you like Obama only a little bit more than me! :D

Anybody else care to weigh in?
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:30 pm

Yes, we would like to hear your viewpoint. I was talking to my son-in-law who does not support Obama either, and he said that he was not going to worry about it too much, and he said the good thing is that he can only have one more term! Well, personally I hope he does not get another term! :D :D
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby mystic » Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:28 pm

Less than one day now. I just heard a declaration at the G20 that the US have only 2 months of autonomy. Then, if they don't start taxing severely (like in Spain and Italy), they risk the default. So, it will be the really first hard task of the new president, who will be forced to become unpopular very quickly. I think the US will never be like Spain or Italy, but surely the impact will cause another wave toward Europe... and the spiral will continue. It really seems we are running toward the end of the world :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm curious to see what will happen :)
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:42 am

If Obama should happen to win this,I wonder who he will blame the mess he inherited on this time?? :roll:
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Edwin » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:47 am

Exactly, Smiley! I think he would be inheriting his own mess! He was pretty good a blaming for the problems, and yet if you look at his statistics, he has done far worse than the one that he blamed for leaving him the mess. He has made things far worse for our country, and I sincerely hope that there are enough wise people who will not give him a chance to inherit his own mess! :D :D
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby mystic » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:02 am

Hey, post the results! So I will see them when I wake up tomorrow, since here it will be early morning when there it is night :lol:

I am pretty curious. I think the next president means whether there will be a next war or not. And of course, it will be very determining in the world crisis.
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Re: Less than a week to go!!

Postby Smiley » Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:32 pm

:o I just heard that Barry Soetoro managed to fool the voters a second time. This is a dark day for truth and integrity for all.I had really hoped that the outcome would have been different.
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