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Postby Edwin » Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:41 am

Perfume is an interesting topic. I always thought perfume was a desireable gift, and I have seen filipinas write on this forum that they love to get perfume. I mentioned perfume, as a kind of funny, along with flowers, and chocolate candies. mystic, I think, sees the advantage of chocolates and flowers, but he enlightened me on the attitude of women in his country about perfume.

"perfumes" Quote by Ed.

I wonder about this statement. In Italy, if you would give a perfume to a girl, 99.99% she would throw it to your head. If she is really polite, she will say thank you, but not open the gift's parcel, and reuse it to give it as gift to somebody.
Here girls are very picky about the smell of the perfume. There is no way a man can find their right preference, unless they ask her before. So, no girl would put a perfume that is different from the way they feel themselves. Also, it is often see as a bad thing, because putting a perfume would be like declaring that the man owns the woman (take it from the animal world: they use smells to mark their territory).

So it was making me wonder if a Filipina instead would accept "any" perfume as gift, and if she will really like such a gift.

Ah, but in Italy, instead of perfumes, they have another saying: "A diamond is the best friend of a woman" Quote by mystic.

They say that smell is one of the strongest memories that we have. We never forget a smell! This can be unpleasant smells or appealing smells. I can still remember the terrible stink that a former neighbor of ours had from her perfume. It just made me sick, and I guess she thought it smelled wonderful! :roll: :lol: One of our daughters is allergic to certain perfumes, and her daughter's perfume has given her breathing problems! I wore aftershave which is a men's calogne, and I thought it smelled nice, but in 1970 I stopped wearing it, because our baby daughters were against my face, there face against my face, and I didn't want to cause them to be uncomfortable because of my aftershave calogne. Many perfumes, I love the smell of them, so just make sure they smell nice! :lol: mystic is correct that if a perfume is repulsive to any woman, you had better not buy it for them, because it will be a waste of your money, and it will do the opposite from what you are hoping it will do! I do love what I consider nice smelling perfune! It makes me not be able to resist! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Perfume!

Postby mystic » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:59 am

The nose is the most sensitive organ of sense. That's why many people are so selective about it.

I noticed that, when one is in love, he/she likes any smell from his/her partner. But when love fades away, the first thing they notice is "the smell". I had a friend that I visited once when he planned to separate. She was cooking chicken... and the best he could do was to complain about the bad smell (truly, to me it smelt like plain chicken, and she had big eyes of astonishment while he was saying that). He also added that everything she does smells foul. It seemed to me he really believed in what he was saying, because he was showing clear intolerance for the smell of the chicken.
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Re: Perfume!

Postby Edwin » Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:45 am

It is interesting that our own smell does not bother us, in fact usually we really like it. But someone else's smell, especially when having bowel movements is really repulsive! Or when we let off gas from our bodies it doesn't bother us, but someone near by does not appreciate that! I grew up on a ranch/farm, and I was accustomed to animal smells from cows, horses, chickens, dogs, cats, and any other animal you can imagine on the farm. I walked in cow manure in the fall, winter, and spring feeding, taking care of, and milking the cows. I also shoveled it, cleaning their stalls and areas. Often we loaded it out with a tractor with a front end bucket to clean up their areas. I got it on my boots, tracked it in the house, and no one at our house complained because it was normal for us and a part of ever day life. When we butchered animals to eat, the stink from their intrals, intestines after they were butchered, and when they were stinking I did not like! We often would leave them out and let the chickens get what they could, and then after that we would haul them away, and dump them where we would not smell them, and they would not breed flies. That all was a part of my early life until I was in my early 20s, but I have been away from it for so many years that I don't know how I would be with it now. Our kids here do a little hobby farming, but I am not involved in it at all, and now that that daughter is mad at me I don't even go over there around it at all! I did chores, milking, cleaning, shoveling manure before she got mad at me, but since then I stay away, and she stays away, and that is fine with me if she is going to feel ugly about everything! Oh, well, life goes on, and maybe things will be better some day, and if not, well that's okay, and that's the way it goes sometimes! :D :D
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Re: Perfume!

Postby Smiley » Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:58 pm

I used to work in a shop where I was in charge of quality control.One of our department heads was a Romanian woman who wore enough perfume to actually make your eyes water.I guess as she got used to it and could no longer smell it she would add more.You could even walk into an office and know by the smell that she had recently been in the room!
A little perfume is nice,a lot is not so nice.
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Re: Perfume!

Postby Edwin » Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:32 am

Deordorant is close to this subject, and for years I used to wear Old Spice, and a number of different fragrants. I worked in a sawmill in the late 1970s and early 1980s. One of the bossed told us he did not want any of us coming to work smelling badly, so he told us to take a shower or bath every day, and I have done that since, every single day until about 4 years ago, and our water situation was so unhandy that I violated that routine. I liked the Old Spice and wore lots of it, but I started growing skin tabs under my arms in the early 2000s, so I cut them all off with knives and finger nail clippers; yes minor surgery, self performed, and Carol had a fit, telling me all kinds of bad things would happen to me because I was cutting all those things off my body. Well I have been fine! I quit wearing any deordorant because I supected it to be the cause of me growing those things. Carol started complaining about how badly I smells on after hot summer days, working and sweating. I wasn't going anywhere, so because of our difficult water situation I didn't shower either, so I do know that I didn't smell good! Then I started wearing this Tom's Deordorant, which is a natural product, not having the harmful stuff in it, and I have been happy about that since. They have a Lavender fragrance that is nice, but they have a peach and apricot frangrance that I like better. Our water situation has improved slightly in that now we can draw hot water from the kitchen sink, so it is more convinient to take showers again, so now I am smelling nice again with showers and deodorant! :D :D
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Re: Perfume!

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:42 pm

I do not use perfume. If i did, it is very seldom. I am sensitive in terms of smelling. I easily sneeze when there is strange smell something unusual. Usually, I just put cologne because it is mild. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Perfume!

Postby Edwin » Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:53 am

There is one perfume that I despise. It is so repulsive I don't know why anyone would want to use it, but I have smelled it on seeral women. There are perfumes that I love, in moderation anyway. Have you ever looked at a magazine that had a perfume add in it with a small sample? After I look at such a magazine I wonder why my fingers smell the way they do! God is interested in perfume. The prayers of His saints are perfume to Him! He loves the smell of it! :D :D
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Re: Perfume!

Postby mystic » Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:37 am

I used for decades a deodorant, until I noticed some growths and got a severe infection. Then, I learned that it was the deodorant, because all sprays contain some alcohol, which irritated my skin. I just didn't know. I thought that the sensation of burning after spraying was normal.

Now I use an odorless deodorant for babies, and it keeps away every smell for one day. It has the added bonus that you can't even detect it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Perfume!

Postby Edwin » Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:52 pm

mystic, I had some of your same experiences with deodorant. I have had burning sensations after using it, and just like you I thought that was normal. I never got the infection from it, but stuff did start growing under my arm pits, like little protruding skin tags. Then they itched until especially in the night I would amost be driven crazy. I tried cutting them off with my pocket knife, which was not sharp enough. Even my shaving razor would not cut them properly, so I got out my finger nail clippers and I was able to clip them off right even with the rest of my skin. Carol scolded me, telling me I might get cancer from cutting on myself, but that did the trick! I stopped using deodorant all together, and didn't even put any on of any kind for several years! Imagine all the people who were grossed out smelling me in the same room! :lol: :lol: Anyway Carol was on to me constantly telling me how badly I smelled, and she said that she could hardly stand the smell herself. Well I was working pretty hard, sweating in the summer, and it was not very convinient to take shows. So she talked me into trying a deordorand that out granddaughter's Malaysian boy friend uses, and I have been using it since. It is not harmful and I love it. It is "Toms," and a couple of our stores sell it. I loved the smell of the "Old Spice" I was using and other people like it as I got lots of nice compliments, but it was slowly killing me! I would probably be dead now if I had kept using it! :lol: :lol:
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