Bricks on side of the house 10-12 001reduced.jpg
This is the North end of our house. This is the end of the house that gets hit with the really severely cold wind and drifting snow. When the wind is blowing the hardest, and the air temperature is the lowest the bedroom and bathroom on that end of the house is severely cold even inside and with the pellet stove heating the place. I am hoping to change that a little bit at at time. Before we had metal roofing for skirting, and some boards above it to try to seal the gap. It worked, but not when the weather was the most severe! Now there is an 8 inch thick wall with dead air space, and plastic between that and the house, a little bit of which you can see. I will be so thrilled when I get this wall build all the way around our house. Our daughter informed me this evening that she thinks they will get the water system in the cellar in the next 2 days, which means I have enough blocks to lay another 30 feet, which with what I already have will cover most of the front side. Then shortly after I will be doing more insulating under the floor, which I have already done part of it, and I am just waiting to make sure I won't insulate where they want to run wires, or where temporary pipe will need to be removed. We are way behind on this project, but better late than never applies here, and soon we will be warm, cozy, have running water all through the house, and my bathroom will be beautiful!!!! I guess you know I am feeling very happy!