by mystic » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:11 am
I would point out that there are 2 ways. Ed refers to the easier way that people usually understand. It is easy to tell a positive command, such as "you should want this, put your energy and hopes in this". However, this is also a way of struggle, because we are creating a motion of our will that has to exit a scheme of mind and break it. And therefore, we are creating an unbalance. If there is not a true rebirth, our life, environment, everything comes back to us to restore the previous order of things and make balanced the unbalance. And thus we find ourselves that we can never reach a perfect faith, a perfect hope. We are miserable and always fall back again to sin.
The second way is more hidden and is in the image of God. He does not intervene in human matters, usually. This is the way of "not". Not hope, not expect anything, etc.
Renouncing to everything in our current life as well in the future life annulls the issue of balance/unbalance. There is nothing more to balance or counter-balance. When we reach this state of inner calmness, our will is free to move in the Lord without constraints, without falling back into the net of the Tree of Good and Evil. This is an ascetic way, such as those holy hermits that secluded themselves from society, just to enforce that inner silence, which led to an authentic communion with God. This way is usually very difficult to follow and only for a few, because the human mind is made so that it cannot "understand" negative commands (for example: do not hope). It is easy to do, but hard "not to do". We can picture in our mind something we can do and we can take strength from it. But how do we picture something that does not exist? It is the same for God, if you think. We cannot picture Him.
Strangely, many things require the complete loss of hope before they start working. You can call it also "abandonement".
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)