Many people struggle in this life to make ends meet, to have what they need to be comfortable. Life is not easy for many of us. Then there are people who have so much that they have so worries and can even be wasteful. I have heard that death is a societal leveler. When you die, it does not matter whether you had a lot or you had a little! There is a Christian song, "Little is Much When God is in it." We don't need a lot in this life to be happy. Jesus told about the beggar who had hard times, had to beg for his food, and the dogs licked his sores that he had. He ate from the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. No doubt he shared with the dogs. When both of them died, the poor man went to Abraham's bosom where he had the good things, and the rich man found himself in hell where he wanted the poor man to come bring him one drop of water to cool his tongue in that place of torment. "What shall it profit a man, or a woman, if that person will gain the whole world and lose his/her own soul, or what can a man or woman give in exchange for his/her soul?" Jesus said that some think they are rich, but they are poor, blind, and naked. He suggested that they guy gold from him tried in the fire. When we die it will not matter who we were, what education we had, or what we have had. The only thing that will matter on that day is if we have done the will of God. So, are you rich towards God? You can be. God places a premium on how we live, what we do for Him and for others, so this is the time to be concerned about eternal retirement!
There is a beautiful and wonderful old church song, "The Last Mile of the Way," that expresses many of these thoughts.