Do You Have Any Room For Jesus?
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:35 pm
There was not room in the Inn for the most important person in all of history; the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lord. He was and is the creator and sustainer of everything, but He was given no place in the Village Inn. Ever since the question has been asked, "Do you have room for Jesus?" There is an old song that Evie made popular a number of years ago, and that song was, "Have You Any Room For Jesus?" Have you any room for Jesus in your heart and life this Christmas and every day of the year? There is another song, "What will you do with Jesus?" Pilot asked the people and the religious leaders in particular, "What will you that I do with Jesus the Christ?" Someday we will be asking what He will do with us, but today it is, what will we do with Jesus? Does Jesus have room in your heart and your life?