Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:11 am
Don't you just love all my friends! Ever since I got a big black Teddy Bear when I was 2 years old, I have loved stuffed animals. We lived in a place for 10 years where one of my jobs was to take care of garbage. It was a place where you had to fly in with an airplane or ride in on a boat, and so people took some pretty nice things to the compactor, we called it. It was a garbage recyling center, and well as a place to bring garbage that was really garbage. Anything on the platform was for give away; chairs, sofas, you name it. Small appliances and everything else small were put in boxes labeled good will, and it was free for the taking. Most of these animals came from that place with a few exceptions. When we moved here, I figured the head of my bed was a good place, and all of my friends are very near me, as well as my doggie, Rand, sleeping with me. I feel very comforted!