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Missed Appointments

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:19 am
by Edwin
Well, I think I am jinxed when it comes to prostate related doctor's appointments. When I had the trouble that started all this testing June 18, 2011, I made a doctor's appointment and started out for Wenatchee, which is about 3 hours or so drive fom here. We started out and drove about 8 miles from here. Going down this slight decline the car engine stopped running. When I got to the level, I pushed on the accellerator, and then I realized the engine was dead! I managed to start the engine, and drive it 20 or 30 feet, then it would stop running again. I did that until I came to a slight incline, and then I realized I was dead in the water! Carol knows me well enough to know that I do not give up easily, and she did not want to get any further from home, so she started walking back towards the house. It was really hot out, and I tried to talk her out of walking, but she was determined, so off she went! I found only one place on top of a hill, and on top of a rock to call our daughter, to tell her we were stranded. That was the only call I was able to make as the cell service disappeared after I made that call! Our daughter picked up Carol on her way, as Carol had walked about 3 miles by the time our daughter came.

What happened was that the fuel pump stopped working. I subscribed to a reasonable towing insurance so that towing our van to town would not cost so much, and they put it on the back of a truck and hauled it, which was better. So I had to cancel my doctor's appointment, get the van repaired, fuel pump replaced, and drove back home after the van was repaired. I made a doctor's appointment for a couple of weeks or so after that, and was able to get there that time. I went ahead and kept the towing insurance as the trip to town cost more than 2 or 3 years worth of insurance, and the insurance company paid for most of that trip. Now if the van fails again I will have a free tow, or haul to town!

Well, our roads are snowbound with deep drifts of snow that I can't drive over or through. Even though my appointment is just in a few hours, I doubt that I will be able to get there, because when the drifts are this deep there is no way to be able to drive! I got up at 5 a.m., showered and got ready anyway just in case. Our son-in-law's pickup truck is stuck at the end of our driveway down by the mailbox and gate, and he needs to go to work, so if I see his pickup truk down there, that means I will not be able to go. But I got ready just in case. A lot of times after these storms the county will get around to plowing about mid morning, and that will be too late for me as my appointment is mid morning, and the drive is at least 3 hours away from here! So I don't think I am going to be able to make this appointment, but I am ready just in case. The other possibility is that if they plow, our son-in-law may walk to the mail box and drive on our of here to work from there. If that happens I will still be unable to get to my appointment because there are deep drifts between here and our mailbox/gate,and it is a quarter of a mile from here to there, and I wouldn't have enough time to do that much snow shoveling! So I don't think I will be able to go, but I am ready just in case! So I will either be heading to Wenatchee from Okanogan at 8 a.m., or at that time I will call them and tell them I can't make the appointment. I see all the lights on at our kids' house, so our son-in-law is ready to go also if they plow the roads. They get up really early on a regular basis anyway, so even if our son-in-law was not able to get to work, they would be up, eaten breakfast, and be doing the chores. Carol is not able to be an early riser because of her health problems, so I get up when I want to, and then do my own thing until she gets up, and then we eat our breakfast, and start our day a little later in the morning, and that is okay. :D :D