Laptop Computer

So many people are getting these laptop computers, and the price has been coming down on them. We have only had the desk tops or towers, and that works fairly well, but you can't take them with you very easily. Years ago when I was working out of town one summer about 5 hours drive away from our house, I did carry a full size computer with me, but that was a project. These laptops are handy for the kids, and they carry them sometimes everywhere with them. Our grandkid, most of them have laptops that they carry where ever they go. I think when people visit the Philippines they often carry their laptops with them, do they not? Anyway I am happy to have a computer be in one place in the house, but Carol wants a laptop, and she is saving her money, when she gets enough pennies together we will no doubt buy one. Then if I go somewhere, I may borrow it from her, and then I might not, I'm not sure. People who travel from the USA to the Philippines, I guess they can get reception many places they go, huh? There are advantages and disadvantages I think, and I am not sure what is best, anyway Carol will no doubt shortly have her laptop, and then I can get on here anytime I want as we have the capability of a second computer getting access to the internet at the same time as this one is on. We got that when our granddaughter stayed with us here, so she could get on the internet whenever she wanted. Presently if Carol wants on the internet, I play the piano, and that works okay.