"Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know"

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"Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know"

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:00 am

The old church hymn/song is so beautiful, "Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know." "There have been names that I have loved to hear, but never has there been a name so dear to this heart of mine, as the name divine, The precious, precious name of Jesus. Jesus is the sweetest name I know, And He's just the same as His lovely name, And that's the reason why I love Him so; Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know. There is not name in earth or heaven above, that we should give such honor and such love As the blessed name, let us all acclaim, That wondrous, glorious name of Jesus. And some day I shall see Him face to face To thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace, Which He gave to me, when He made me free, The blessed Son of God called Jesus."

Don't you love that old glorious hymn/song as I do? The name of Jesus is most beautiful. His name is the only name given among men where by we may be saved. You can't get to heaven any other way, other than accepting what Jesus did for you and I on the cross of Calvary. No name is as dear as the name of Jesus. His name is divine. We love Jesus because He loved us first and gave His life for us so that we can have the forgiveness of sins and eternal life! In the book of Revelation we are told that honor belongs to Jesus. He humbled Himself to the cross, and now His father has given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and bow willing, or bow forcefully, every knee will eventually bow. Fanny Crossby the blind church hymn song writer said that she is going to see Jesus. She is going to look upon His Face, who saved her and you and I by His grace. That is significant because she was blind and could not see! We are going to see Jesus face to face, in all His glory, and what will that be like. The Bible tells us that "eye hath not seen, neither ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him. The apostle Paul was caught up into the third heaven, and he said that he saw things that words could not even describe! :D :D
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Re: "Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know"

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:57 am

Playing the piano, I came across another beautiful old church hymn/song. It is "No, Not One." It is definately older than 1907 because all the songs in this book are that old or older, many older than 1902. "There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one! None else could heal all our soul's diseases. No friend like him is so high and holy, And yet no friend is so meek and lowly. There's not an hour that he is not near us, No night so dark but his love can cheer us. Did ever saint find this friend forsake him? Or sinnner find that he would not take him? Was e'er a gift like the Savior given? Will he refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one! no, not one! Jesus Knows all about our struggles, He will guide til the day is done, There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!

This is another wonderful song that brings joy to the heart. It tells of Jesus' love for us, and his healing that He has for us. Jesus is all powerful, and yet He is meek and lowly. He takes care of every fragile person who seeks His help! Jesus never forsook anyone, and His promise was "I will never leave you or forsake you." Lo, I am with you always to the end of the world." No sinner is too bad for Jesus to take him or her. He has never rejected anyone. We do have a promise of our home in heaven. Jesus told His own, that He was going away to prepare a place for them to live, and He would come back, take them to be with Himself to be always. Jesus does know all about our stuggles, and He cares. We cast our cares upon Jesus because He cares for us! Jesus will guide until the day is done. He will see us through to the end!
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