Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

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Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby Edwin » Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:28 pm

A Stable Relationship
19719_506267792752782_1542115851_n.jpg (30.16 KiB) Viewed 11299 times

I found this picture on a friend's site. It is interesting because many years ago I filled in for the mother of this guy who posted this to facebook, and he was still in his mother's stomach, the mother being the teacher whose job of was doing! I filled in for her several times. His grandfather is tongue tied and can't talk well, but is a wonderful guy. This teacher's mother I worked with in a school in a neighboring town, and she was a wonderful lady who died from cancer a couple of years ago. They are wonderful Christian people.
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby lyrehc » Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:46 am

there so sweet i hope i will found someone as sweet as the horse... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby Edwin » Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:38 pm

Yes, isn't that sweet, lyrehc! :lol: :D
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby smithardor » Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:29 pm

lyrehc wrote:there so sweet i hope i will found someone as sweet as the horse... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, I don't like a "stable" relationship :D . However, my relationship is a "stable" one though we are long distance. :)
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby Edwin » Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:48 pm

The facebook account that I got these two horses kissing off from is a guy whose family is heavy into horses. The kid also raises pigs for FFA and enters them into the county fair. He is part Mexican, a really wonderful guy and a Christian. I substitute taught for this kid's mother when she was carrying him in her stomach. I also worked with he grandmother, who died, sadly from cancer, in another school, in a neighboring town.

We can learn a lot from watching animals. We can notice their loyalty, their affection, and their excitement when they see us. I am an animal lover. I feel badly that their life spans are so short. Some animals are poorly treated, but ours are almost human! We love them and take good care of them! :D :D
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 06, 2013 3:03 am

stability in relationship is founded in Christ. No matter what happens in relationship, as long as both of you are trusting the Lord, I do believe that everything will be solved, just in case you have so many problems and misunderstanding.

I have learned so much while I am assign as Client relation officer. I met all people coming to office. I have learn a lot how to treat them and the most important is, to be careful with how you approach or respond to them.

One thing I have learned, is to treat them like you wanted to treat your Mom. I learned that, if I say this or say that, does it created a good image to me and to my working place? I learned to be understanding and to have compassion to what they need. It is not good to argue or to fight even you are right, but always to think solution rather than blaming them. I also learn to say "Sorry" and be honest with them because it will always create good relationship among us and them.

It also applies to relationship, could be bf-gf, or married couple. I learned not to make assumption or presumption. Always looking what is positive and to patch up problems and always looking to Jesus, that He alone can mend the broken relationship or misunderstanding. So much to that, I learned also to forgive and forget if someone hurt me especially rude clients. Because, it will always heal my heartache so with my relationship with people around me. Only the Holy Spirit can give us that.

I have so much to share here but since it is already past 5pm here in the office, I must need to go now and have a good day to all of you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 2:44 pm

Crisi, you input here is invaluable! We love to have you here! :D :D

You are right about the way to approach people, and I am afraid that I have not always approached people with a lot of wisdom and I have paid the price for that too. The Bible says that a soft answer turneth away wrath. You might be right, but it doesn't always pay to try to make the other person realize that you are right. Saying I am sorry is very important.

Having compassion and thinking of solutions really helps a lot. Jesus had compassion on the multitude when they were hungry, and He had compassion on them when they were sick.

To be forgiving and to forget is important, and that is what God does. It is easy to say, "I forgive," but then something happens that triggers those old memories and old feelings, and off we go into troubled feelings again. The Lord is the only one who can help us. We have troubles, and people are unforgiving, and even mean, but we must forgive anyway, but God expects us to forgive, and if we do not forgive others then God will not forgive us either. We just hurt ourselves when we harbor hard feeling and unforgiveness, so we must forgive and move on, so matter what the other person thinks or does. We can forgive, and God will forgive us and that is all we need! :D :D
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 20, 2013 2:32 am

I am just human being and sometimes we say something wrong, too. But not too late to apologize. In any relationship, like in a married couple or bf-gf relationship, I do believe that two must be Christian. Also, two must be willing to obey what He says in His word. Also, if started wrong, of course it will end up wrong.

For me, I do not like to be a substitute because your relationship with others do not work. What I am trying to say is that, my future husband must be the one God gave me, and he must love me and marry me because he love me not because his relationship in the past did not work. What I am trying to say is, no other hidden agenda. And most of all, if someone exercise faith in God, and be closer to Him, I will get closer to the person too. That is just an idea that I have observed from Christian courting.

Like our assistant Pastor, he will get married this Friday. Yesterday at church, they were introduce to the church with the woman he will get married. She also a worker in General Santos, and I really appreciate because their first kiss, will be in the altar to exchange vows. They were both virgins and started life together with purity. I really salute them. And the woman can wear a white dress, wow I really like it when i will get married too. And the Pastor said, they will be in their honeymoon at Camiguin Island, and to Surigao etc. Wow I love it so much. The Pastor said in the congregation, address to single men, that they should make their wife happy once in a life time during their wedding night and treat the best they can and enjoy the moment of life at once being married. What a wonderful married life. It is very blessed and pure and clean and desire to do what the will of God.

To all single, desire to please God and desire to do His will and you will never regret it. God bless you all
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 21, 2013 1:23 am

Crisi, I am an expert at saying things that are wrong! It is good to be able to say "I was wrong, please forgive me!" I have found out the hard way that there are people who will not forgive you for things you do, or things you say, and that is sad. We must always be forgiving.

I agree with you, Crisi, that a backup in case a relationship doesn't work is not good. It is important to be the one, and to find the one!

No hidden agenda, and being close to God is important, and then it will be nothing but wonderful.

Hebrews 13:4; talks about the bed undefiled. I think, and tell me if I am wrong, but there is a lot of importance in the Philippines placed on purity before marriage, and virginity is valued? In this country sad to say for many morality has gone out the window. My Dad told me that when he was young, in the early 1900s generally people were morally upright more than since. There has been a decline in morality, and there is a high percentage of the young people who have already had sex years before their marriage when they are still in their young teens. Purity is important in God's sight. It is important that we do what God wants us to do. It is something very valuable when before marriage a young man and a young lady are still virgins. If not God will forgive, but if so it is much better. There are a lot of reasons for that besided the fact that God wants it that way. For one thing, for people who have not had sex before marriage or had sex with someone esle besides their marriage partner, they do not have to worry about disease, and the need for protection is non existant. You don't have to use a condom if you or your partner will not carry a disease, and that is only one reason why it is important to obey God's laws of purity.

Having never kissed or never having been kissed, seems like a record! To be honest I never thought about the importance of never having kissed, or never having been kissed. Kissing, holding hands, and hugging is something that in this country most everyone does in any serious courtship, even if it does not end up in marriage. I am not belittling your position on this, Crisi, but in our country, our society, it is unheard of I think to not have kissed or been kissed, hugged, hand holding, and so one. Now, heavy petting, excessive touching, or anything beyond a quick kiss, quick hug, or hand holding, is probably going to far even by our standards, because the feelings are there, the drive is there, and you end up on a slippery slope in which once you get started, if you do too much, you won't be able to stop until you have had sex; it just happens. So maybe it is best not to kiss, not to hug, but okay to hold hands, huh? :D :D
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Re: Do You Have a Stable Relationship?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 27, 2013 9:27 pm

Even your relationship with others will be down, as long as you have a good relationship with the Father in heaven, everything will be okay. I have learned that. When I am in pain, I just pray and tell the Lord I am in pain. Of course it is very different when someone you can talk to in person, but it makes relieve to pray.
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