Our Relationship With God
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:31 pm
God made man and put him in the garden of Eden so that He would not be alone. He loved man and enjoyed fellowshipping with man. Then God saw that it was not good that the man was alone in the garden of Eden with all the animals, so God put man under an anesthetic, and removed one of his ribs, so that he could make a woman for the man. God was very happy with what He had made. God told the man and woman that they could eat from any of the fruit in the garden, but leave the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil alone, and don't touch it! The serpent came slithering through the garden, and told the woman, why don't you try some of that forbidden fruit; you will like it. She ate, then she gave some of it to her husband to eat, and they were both doomed at that moment! All of a sudden they realized for the first time that they did not have any clothes on. So, they hid themselves from God when He came in the morning to walk through the garden with them. They tried to cover their nakedness, but they were not very good at it, so God made them some clothes. Then he put an angel with a sword to guard the tree of life, so they could not eat of the tree of life and live forever in a sinful state. After that they were driven out of the garden, and their happy lives were finished. The next thing we find from them is hate, murder, and all sorts of terrible things that they did. They did such horrible things that God had to send a flood to destroy all of them except for Noah and his immediate family who found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
This is what we call the creation of man after God had created the earth for man. This is also what we call the original sin. We are sinners because we are related to Adam and Eve who became cursed with sin because of eating the forbidden fruit. We are born in sin, and we are shapened in iniquity. We don't have to become sinners; we are sinners; we were born sinners. We believe that everyone is innocent before God until the age of accountability. That means that until a child is 8 or 9 years old or whatever that age of accountability is, if they die, they will go to be with the Lord in heaven, because they are innocent children under the age of accountability. Once those children get old enough that they know right from wrong, and if they choose wrong, or fail to accept the sacrifice that God made when He gave His son to die for us, they will go to hell, and eventually will be thrown into the lake of fire which burns hotter than any fire you can imagine. The Bible describes it as where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not. It is eternal torment, which was designed for the devil and his angels, but man fell into that when he sinned. We, all of us, deserve that punishment, but Jesus took our place, and if we will accept Him and His sacrifice we will escape the torments of hell and the lake of fire, but instead we will have eternal life thorugh our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Won't you accept Jesus, and the sacrifice that He made today, and have the forgiveness of sins and eternal life?
This is what we call the creation of man after God had created the earth for man. This is also what we call the original sin. We are sinners because we are related to Adam and Eve who became cursed with sin because of eating the forbidden fruit. We are born in sin, and we are shapened in iniquity. We don't have to become sinners; we are sinners; we were born sinners. We believe that everyone is innocent before God until the age of accountability. That means that until a child is 8 or 9 years old or whatever that age of accountability is, if they die, they will go to be with the Lord in heaven, because they are innocent children under the age of accountability. Once those children get old enough that they know right from wrong, and if they choose wrong, or fail to accept the sacrifice that God made when He gave His son to die for us, they will go to hell, and eventually will be thrown into the lake of fire which burns hotter than any fire you can imagine. The Bible describes it as where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not. It is eternal torment, which was designed for the devil and his angels, but man fell into that when he sinned. We, all of us, deserve that punishment, but Jesus took our place, and if we will accept Him and His sacrifice we will escape the torments of hell and the lake of fire, but instead we will have eternal life thorugh our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Won't you accept Jesus, and the sacrifice that He made today, and have the forgiveness of sins and eternal life?