There's more than one way to look at this subject. We invite Jesus in to our lives, to come in sup with us, and live with us. Jesus wants to be an integral part of our lives. He wants to go with us where we go, and He wants to be with us when we do what we do. We must never shut Jesus out of our lives by pushing Him away, or by doing things that He could not stay with us while we are doing those things.
Jesus came to be a guest at Mary, Martha, and Lazarus's house. They were His good friends. There was a welcoming atmosphere there, and they loved Him, and Jesus loved them as well. Martha was busy and cumbered about many things. She had to have everything in place, and she had to have everthing done. Mary and Lazarus sat and visited with Jesus, and especially Mary. Martha complained that her sister was not helping her, and Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the better part. Sometimes we get too busy doing good things to leave room for the important things. It is important to clean and straighten the house, but it is also important to spend time with Jesus. The idea here is not to neglect one thing for another, but the idea is to leave room for the important things. Martha could have gotten those things ready, and still spent time at Jesus' feet, but she neglected her fellowship with Jesus completely, and then she was griped at Mary for not helping her with what she was doing. Do we spend time with Jesus as well as doing the things that we need to do?