Family Visiting

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Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:41 am

Rand helping David do chickens 035reduced.jpg
Left to Right, My great niece, Carol, and my sister
Rand helping David do chickens 035reduced.jpg (110.12 KiB) Viewed 6078 times

My sister-in-law has cancer, and she has been telling people that she doesn't think she will live another year, so they are giving her a 68th year birthday celebration. My sister and her filipina granddaughter, my great neice are here visiting us. She is on the left, Carol in the middle, and my sister on the right.
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:44 am

Rand helping David do chickens 027reduced.jpg
Shantel, my great niece and Rand
Rand helping David do chickens 027reduced.jpg (121.59 KiB) Viewed 6077 times

My great niece loves my doggie Rand, and said that she wanted her picture taken with Rand!
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:48 am

Rand helping David do chickens 028reduced.jpg
Another of Shantel and Rand
Rand helping David do chickens 028reduced.jpg (132.84 KiB) Viewed 6077 times

Shantel is showing her filipina style in this picture. She is a lovely young lady, and it is fun to have her around.
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:56 am

Rand helping David do chickens 029reduced.jpg
Shantel and my sister, Shantel's grandmother
Rand helping David do chickens 029reduced.jpg (127.45 KiB) Viewed 6077 times

When they heard that I was going to take their pictures, Shantel had to go change back into her green pants, as she already had her bed clothes on. My sister also went and put her lip stick on! Shantel's grandmother and grandfather are moving back to the Philippines near Manila where they were from to retire.

Shantel's step Dad's brother cut himself and didn't take care of it properly, so he got infection and blood poisoning. He went ot the hospital but died right away within hours. So, they are very sad, and he was crying saying that he wasn't going to get to see his brother again. He died on Valentine's Day, and they are in the Philippines now, and they just missed seeing him alive, which was very sad. My sister told him that he would see him in heaven, because he was a Christian, and that was comforting.
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:59 am

The occasion for your family visiting was that they were coming to my sister-in-law's 68th year birthday celebration. Most people would do that kind of celebration with a dinner at someone's 70th birthday celebration, but not usually at their 68th birthday. Carol and I wondered why they were doing it that way, and we found out that they think she might not live another year because of her battle with cancer. It started out a couple of years ago or so with a mild lymphoma cancer that was not suppose to kill her. She took a mild form of chemo, and we don't know if it was ever in remission or not, but now she is about finished with a much stronger chemo, and my brother told Carol today that the cancer is in her liver, so that does not sound good for her. She says that she is not going to take any more chemo even if she dies, so we just pray that she is prepared to meet the Lord.

We were able to visit with my younger sister and her half filipina granddaughter which was fun. I got to say hi and goodbye to our other daughter and son-in-law, and that was about it. Our youngest daughter and I went to the birthday celebration just about the time it was finished. We got to visit with my older brother a little, and we sat and visited with my older sister all the time we were there, which was fun also. She is, I think, 78 years old. She told me that she walks 4 miles each day, which is pretty good for her. She is about 4 feet 8 inches tall or so, so to walk that many miles she has to move her legs more than I do with my long legs. It is always fun to visit with family! :D :D
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Smiley » Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:06 pm

I do not blame your sister for deciding against the chemo.It kills up to 70% of the people on it,depending on the type of cancer involved.
Cannabis oil,on the other hand cure about 70% of the so-called terminal cases that it is used on.The only side effects are happiness and health.This is not just anecdotal either,there have been over 150 scientific studies that all reach the same conclusion. Cannabis kills cancer. It really is as simple as that.
To educate yourself on how and why it works please check out 'Phoenix tears' a website that is one of the best sources of life-saving information.
pm me if you have any questions.
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:15 pm

Thanks, Smiley, it is nice to know that there is something like that, that will work. Yes I have heard that chemo is very destructive to many body organs, like teeth, and I don't know what all else, but people are not the same after they take the chemo. Happiness and health are wonderful side effects! :D :D
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby wayne208 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:50 pm

I Hope and Pray to God that some day they Cure All Cancer ..
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Re: Family Visiting

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:21 am

Yes, a cure for cancer would be very nice! The prevention is better than the cure, and a cure such as Smiley is talking about is very nice! :D :D The saying is: "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!" :D :D
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