Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

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Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:37 pm

This is a good question, and some of you might have some ideas about this. Why would a man and a woman just want to be friends? Well, at the start before the romance that might be a good idea for safety so neither person will get hurt. I like to have friends, but I am married, so I have to be careful that I don't cross the fine line that is there between strictly being friends and developing a romantic relationship. Some do develop that romantic relationship when they really should not for various reasons. Maybe they are not getting treated well, and they have that as a reason or an excuse to develop a romantic relationship. The danger there is that it can result in a failed marriage, so care must be taken.

I found an article in Yahoo News that covers this subject from several angles, and I thought you might enjoy reading it:

Is being “just friends” really possible?
By Anne Roderique-Jones
No one will ever forget the famed diner scene in When Harry Met Sally, when women everywhere wanted to “have what she’s having.” But, the movie also rebuked the notion that men and women fail at platonic relationships. Could this just be Hollywood talking? Can men and women really “just be friends” with each other? It’s 2013 — are we still asking this question?

The singles experience has changed dramatically since Harry met Sally back in 1998, yet according to a recent poll of more than 18,300 men and women, 34 percent of respondents said that one person will always develop feelings for the other. So is it possible to have a lasting friendship with someone of the opposite sex without the romance? The answer, ultimately, is yes — but it may not be as easy as you think. Different scenarios come with different challenges for non-romantic relationships between men and women. So what do you do if you want to keep things platonic in perpetuity? First, take stock. Then, take action. Here’s a closer look at three distinct possibilities:

Scenario 1: There’s no mutual attraction
Not into each other? No worries. Julie Orlov, LCSW, psychotherapist and author of The Pathway to Love: Create Intimacy and Transform Your Relationships through Self-Discovery, says men and women can definitely be friends, and in fact, she’s had many wonderful friendships over the years with men — some of whom she’s been attracted to and some not. Orlov points out that this scenario is the easiest of the three. When two people are not sexually attracted to each other and have no interest in a romantic future together, there’s no tension, which means that a successful and supportive friendship is possible.

According to our recent survey about platonic friendships, 55 percent of those polled said they had plenty of opposite-sex friends that they were not attracted to romantically. Ultimately, this makes it easier to maintain long-tem friendships. “I think men and women can be just friends when they share a lot of common interests,” says Josh Carter of New York, NY. “Plus, my female friends and I talk about the people we’re dating to get the perspective from the other side — it’s great to have them to bounce ideas off of and see what they think.”

Scenario 2: Only one friend has romantic feelings for the other
Attracted to your bestie? Keep your hands to yourself if you know your friend doesn’t feel the same way. Orlov explains that in order for this type of friendship to work, the person with the crush has to understand and accept that there is no possibility of a romantic future with this friend and must behave accordingly. If those feelings of hope and disappointment continue, then this friendship may not work. “The key is setting and maintaining good boundaries,” Orlov says.

For example, if the man is confronted with jealousy every time he sees his female friend date and fall in love with another man, it may be in his best interest to let the friendship go. “It takes emotional maturity and the ability to maintain healthy boundaries to make this type of scenario work,” says Orlov. An example of this comes from 24-year-old Angie Rhodes, who says, “In my closest platonic relationship, the only awkward part was a middle-school confession that he had a crush on me. I always thought his interest lingered through the years, but he went on to date one of my good friends. I was never attracted to him, and I think it’s because we got along so well and I thought of him as a brother.”

Scenario 3: Both friends are feeling the love, but aren’t free to pursue it
If you’re both down to date, but aren’t single — cool it! It’s difficult to navigate friendships where both people are attracted to each other, but one (or both) parties are currently in a committed relationship with someone else. Orlov explains that, despite this being most challenging scenario of all, it is actually possible to be friends — but only if the relationship involving a significant other is respected. It’s important to take the committed partner’s feelings into account when deciding if — and how — your friendship with his or her mate could have an impact on their romantic relationship.

Orlov says that under these circumstances, clear and consistent boundaries need to be maintained in order for the friendship to work. “I have a friend, Alan, who I’ve known for quite a while,” says Deena Pares, a 34-year-old account executive in San Jose, CA. “Alan and were friendly in high school and reconnected as adults on Facebook. We started meeting for lunches and happy hours where we would talk about work, family, and dating. He actually created my first profile for me after hearing all of my dating horror stories! A few months later, he met his now-wife on, and I met my boyfriend.”

Orlov advises including your significant other during get-togethers with your friend, as having a “secret and private” friendship outside of your relationship can wreak havoc with creating a loving and intimate bond with your mate. “Don’t share intimate details about problems in your romantic relationship with your friend — this can add fuel to the attraction and hope that a romantic future is possible,” she warns. Crossing the line from being “just friends” to engaging in an emotional affair — or worse, full-blown cheating — can happen more easily than you may think. It can also ruin a great and valuable friendship in the process. It’s important to be clear on what it is you want in the long run and act accordingly.

Anne Roderique-Jones is a New York City-based freelanced writer whose work has appeared in such publications as Redbook, Women’s Day, The Knot Magazine and other national publications.

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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby red » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:53 am

Sure both can just be friends. In fact, I prefer men as good friends than women. At school before, I have few men that were close to me and at work now I have few also that are good friends to me. I did have a close or best male friend before and til this time still existing if I have to reach out on him. My husband is my best friend and my sister my best female friend. Friendship will start to get spoil when there is malice to develop or either have deeper intention other than friendship. Usually it will show by actions, so like for instance female starts to notice it and starts to feel bad towards the male friend. But if female friend welcomes it then relationship will go deeper level.
I won't certainly flirt a guy considering that I am married. But if a guy starts to flirt and starts harassing me then I better quit being friend. :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:42 pm

Red, you and I are alike. I actually prefer women as good friends also. When I was little I liked to be in the kitchen with them, enjoying all the chatter, and the mixing and the blending, and the cooking. If I align myself with the women no one will suspect me of being attracted to the same sex! :lol: People didn't used to even think of that until those people came out of the closet! You are right Red that the opposite sex friendships work well as long as you don't see the warning signs. :D :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby lyrehc » Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:58 am

will surely both common sexes can be friend I have seen a movie Friends with benefits its nice one to relate in this topic.... they have sex but still they are friend. I watch it and laugh then at the end of the movie both friend become lover.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:52 pm

lyrehc, there are some very funny and entertaining movies out there to watch. Often we watch them and we place ourselves in the character of the story, and often that is kind of fun.We identify, is the word I am looking for. We see ourselves in what the other person is thinking and doing. Romantic comedies are very much fun to watch, and you can catch yourself laughing at what the other people are saying and doing.

Yes, it is important to becomes friends first, and then after the relationship has developed, then become lovers, if everything is right. That is important because no matter what happens the rest of your life and forever, it is most valuable if that other person is still your friend, so that you care about them and their comfort forever. If this were true for more couples, I think more of them would stay together and love each other forever. :D :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby wayne208 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:41 pm

Of Course a Man and a Women can be friends .. My Best friend ls a Lady . We have never had Sex nor do We intend to . But We Will Always Be friends . So I agree with Those People Like Red and Edwin & Lyrehc ..
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:24 am

Nothing better than having good friends! :D :D
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby m&m » Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:54 am

For me, I can be really be friends. I am surrounded by men in my working place. I guess, men can't resist to be just be friends with women especially if they get attracted to her. The best way is to be careful with our actions and tone of words, so that, it wont create false hope of relationship or forbidden relationship especially to those who are married. :)
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:10 am

I like to have friends and be a friend to others. I have always preferred female friends, and I don't know why, except maybe I feel more comfortable around them, and sometimes I am intimidated by males, maybe because of male rivialry, and I think that is me rather than them. Even when I was a little kid, I wanted to be in the kitchen while the ladies were preparing the meals; maybe that is because there was food involved also, and I have always loved food, especially when I have been hungry. When I was teaching school I enjoyed my association with the lady teachers. Men are okay, but I enjoy the ladies too! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Can a Man and a Woman Just Be Friends?

Postby lalz1001 » Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:16 am

Well, a man and a woman can just be friends based on my experienced. I had encountered a lot of men in my workplace and make them my good friends. Sometimes when we were hanging out I am the only rose among the thorns. Actually, my best friend is a man we've been together for how many years, same workplace, eating together during break time. People around us were saying that we will end up together but still we are firm to be friends only. I gain his respect and trust.So, a man and a woman can just be friends if they chose to be friends. :)
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