Time is an interesting concept. It is very difficult for some people to understand or deal with. Time has been important to me most of my adult life. I remember my mother waking me up in the morning before I wanted to wake up, telling me it was time for me to go out and milk the cows, that I had to milk every morning before school. Of course we had to drive the car, actually not old enough to drive, but we did anyway, then catch the bus after we had driven for 5 miles, so we had to get up pretty early and finish our chores and supper pretty late at night, and really tired falling into bed.
I have carried a watch with me most of the time as it was important to be here or be there at a certain time. For me I would get ready early, wait until it was time, and then almost be late because time got away from me. For over two years now I have not carried a watch because time does not matter so much now, and if I am 30 minutes early or 30 minutes late, it doesn't make a lot of difference as I don't have to be anywhere at any give time.
This will sound racist, but before I say it I will tell you that I have American Indian blood in me, so that it is only a few generations back to my full blood Indian grandmother. They say Indian time is anytime, and that means that an Indian might be early and might be late, or more likely will be late. I taught school for an all Indian school a number of years ago. The kids had to have Indian blood in them to go there; although many of them were no more Indian than I am. Many of the teachers there were Indians, and that is the only school I ever taught at where they made their teach clock in before the school day. They did that because so many of them were coming in late for their teaching day.
There is coming a time when God is going to say, "Time shall be no more." So now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. There will come a time also when it will be too late.