Headached cause of hot weather?.

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Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Eillene » Fri May 03, 2013 5:57 pm

is it true that hot weather can cause headached?
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Smiley » Sun May 05, 2013 12:31 am

Any extreme weather is not very good. I live in a part of Canada that has very hot and humid summers and although our winters here are usually mild,by Canadian standards,they can still get too cold for my liking.
I spent a lot of time at sea when I was a young man,actually,thats how I first got acquainted with the Philippines.Extreme weather at sea is fun for about the first 5 minutes,then it can get pretty stressful :D
Some parts of the Philippines are a lot hotter than others,which area are you from?
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Edwin » Sun May 05, 2013 7:34 am

When I went to the Philippines in year 2010 it was freezing ice on the dog water when I left. When we arrived in Manila, my friends ran the airconditioner all night! I was actually cold in that room, but the heat doesn't bother me like it does some people. It was that warm for the first few days, and then we were on the southern border of a typhoon which cooled the area a lot, as well as causing winds that were bending the trees around the Mall of Asia, as well as that wind driving rain right into the mall, and they had someone mopping up the rain water. :lol:

Then we flew down to the southern part of Negros Oriental, and when we stepped out of that airplane the temperature was like July or August here, very hot and humid! This was the last 2 weeks of October. My friend bought a whole bunch of electric fans for his house, and every day, usually twice a day, in the afternoon and then just before bedtime the electricity would quit, my friend would almost cry about his fans not running, and then we would go out on the porch to try to get some air off the water. He would look over to Cebu Island and see that they had electricity, and then he would really get unhappy! It is kind of funny to me, only because the heat doesn't bother me! :lol: :lol:

I think cold weather can give you a headache, and probably hot weather as well. Milder weather between the extreem hot and extreem cold feels the best for all of us, but we need the hot for our gardens, and we need the cold to kill the bugs. Cattle are actually healthier when it is cold enough to freeze the ground, but when it is warm and melting everywhere the cows start getting sick! :D :D
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Eillene » Sun May 05, 2013 6:24 pm

Hi Smiley...i'm here at angeles city near clark.And by now im just recovering from 2 days headached haha.

Hello Edwin...yes cold and hot weather can help us in many ways :)
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 06, 2013 2:29 am

Yes, got headache due to high temperature. While i was commuting to house last week, it was so hot and got headache. So much stress and dust along the way, for it is rough road going home. :(
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 10:40 am

Yes, Crisi, dust can be bad and bad roads. When I was in Negros Oriental in 2010 the traveling we did from Amlan to Dumaguete City, there was so much exhaust from motorcycles, diesel motors, that it was stifling! It was exhausting! Play on words!

My big doggie Scooby stopped on our walk Saturday because he was hot and tired. He is a Swiss Mountain rescue dog, and he loves the cold and the snow, but he can't take the heat, so from now on I am going to need to walk earlier in the day, or else right at the end of the day, so he will not be so hot. It is not even hot here, but it is hot for him! I am going to carry a pan and a gallon of water out to the mail box for him, and then I can give him a drink as I walk by the mailbox, which should help him also. I am later already than I wanted to be past 9:30 a.m., but I had to change an air cleaner/filter on our car because the check engine soon light was on. After changing the filter it is still on, so I may need to disconnect the batter to reset the car computer, and if that doesn't work I might have to take it to the mechanic to have him put it on the computer diagnostic machine to see what the problem is. It still runs, but sometimes if you run them too long with that check engine light soon on, then if there is a real problem it will stop running, and I don't want that!

I hope and pray that you all in the Philippines will get a break from the hot weather you are experiencing, and get some cooler weather!

I just returned from my walk with the doggies. I carried a pan and a gallon of water out to the mailbox. Every mile I stopped at the mailbox and gave the doggies a drink. Scooby walked slowly as I think he thought to was too hot! He has long legs, huge dog, and a long stride when walking. His normal walking gate is faster than I can walk, and the smaller dog has to run, its a running walk actually, to keep up with him, but when it is too hot for him he walks slowly. Twice in the last couple of years he got hot and tire enough that he laid down, and would not get up until I told him, "let's go home." Then he jumped right up and we went home. One of times he was hot enough that he actually got got a little sick, acting like he was going to vomit. IF he is not able to go I will not force him; we go right home in that case! :D :D
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby tom » Tue May 07, 2013 11:55 am

Eillene wrote:is it true that hot weather can cause headached?

    becoming DEHYDRATED, especially when the weather is hot, can cause a headache...
    one of the things i learned experientially from my many years of carrying mail is that dehydration (even mild/slight dehydration) can cause numerous problems... aches and pains, lethargy, mild headaches, and mental and physical lassitude... even "scary" chest pains
    fortunately, there in the Philippines, the Creator has provided a wonderful remedy for dehydration... fresh coconut water :D
    here in virginia, when the weather was warm, i would bring a watermelon to work... i NEVER had a problem with dehydration when i had watermelon to snack on while delivering the mail... :lol:
    by the way, it's also a good idea to avoid caffeinated drinks (such as sodas/soft drinks/colas, coffee, and tea) and alcohol... because caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate dehydration...
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Edwin » Tue May 07, 2013 12:15 pm

You are right Tom, that even slight dehydration can cause big time problems. Another thing is that dehydration is more devestating for people with small bodies! It is that dehydration does not hurt a larger person, but it takes the larger person longer to become dehydrated, but once dehydrated the larger person is in worse trouble! Not only people with small bodies, but babies and children are more apt to suffer from dehydration.

I will agree with you on avoiding alcohol and caffinated beverages to lessen the probability of dehydration.

Coconut milk sounds delicious to me! My Dad told me that they fill the coconuts with just plain water, so when you get a coconut out of the store, what is inside is not the good stuff. But, wow, I would love to drink real coconut milk!

Melons of all kinds would be good! When I was a big kid we grew watermelons, muskmelons, cantelopes, and honey dews! From the end of June until fall freezing we ate all the melons that we could hold! Then at the end of the season my Dad loaded the car with melons, gave them to everyone at church, afterwhich we put some in the basement to keep them as long as possible, after which we hauled the rest out of the garden, and dumped them to the chickens and the pigs! Oh for those days to come back again! :D :D
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Eillene » Thu May 09, 2013 3:38 pm

Hahaha yes Edwin i was so related with what u have said lol (loving the water melon)..

Tom i love coffee even on weather like this but now i know why i feel dry always haha thank you ;)
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Re: Headached cause of hot weather?.

Postby Gary2310 » Fri May 10, 2013 9:50 am

One of the reasons why you can feel sick (e.g., headache, fatigue, nausea, etc.) when the weather is really hot and you become dehydrated, even mildly dehydrated as Tom indicated, is because the body attempts to keep its core temp at a level to sustain life. If the body's core temp rose too high, which can easily happen if there were not physiological mechanisms at work keeping the core temp regulated, fragile enzymes needed to sustain the millions of chemical reactions that the body depends on in order to sustain life would become deactivated, meaning that they would not work as well and life would cease.

And so, one of the ways the body controls core temp when it's too hot is by sweating. Water evaporates off the skin and the net effect is cooling. In the process of sweating precious electrolytes like sodium and potassium are excreted through the skin, along with some waste products. If this excretion of electrolytes exceeds the intake of electrolytes through food and drink, the body can become quickly depleted of these important elements.

Consequently, this loss of water through sweating and the resulting chemical shift from excreted electrolytes causes blood volume to drop. This results in less oxygen perfusion to body and brain tissues. To compensate, heart rate increases and blood vessels in the brain dilate. The end result can be severe headaches, dizziness, fatigue, etc.

So, as many have said here already, drinking plenty of healthy fluids while out in hot weather is very important. Good quality plain water is good, but fresh fruit juices and vegetable juices are better...Water without electrolytes won't help all that much after a while. And so, bananas, watermelon, pineapple are all great fruits to have. And, as I've already said, the fresh juices are even better...Watermelon juice is really good!!

BTW, as a general rule, you should drink at least half your body weight, in ounces though, of good quality water per day. For example, if you weight 100 lbs., then you should drink at least 50 ounces of water per day, at minimum. And, during really hot weather, you should drink more than that. And, that is in addition to any other drinks you may have (e.g., soda, coffee, etc.). As it was already said, drinks that contain caffiene and alcohol should definitely be avoided, as they can easily make dehydration worse.
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