Yes, Chas, it is sad when the expats get bored from the lack of mental stimulation and then drink themselves to death!
Also as you said, Chas, don't be like the horse with blinders on, but see a larger picture.
That is really sad to me that people would not do what they can to help someone just out of human kindness, rather than letting someone bleed to death when they would do something. I think in this country, USA, years ago it used to be more like the Philippines in that if you didn't have the ability to pay then you were out of luck. I had a high school teacher in the 1960s who said that in a large city, Spokane, Washington, USA, he had a sick kid, and the medical personal was not going to help his child until they saw that he could pay! Things have changed, and that doesn't happen around here anyway, and you will get taken care of regardless of your ability to pay. I think they make everyone else pay more to cover the ones who can't pay, and then if they know you have insurance they jack the price up, and so that is part of the reason our medical care cost so much, is that the medical people will charge more because it is getting billed to the insurance company anyway, so why not, but it is really hard on the ones who have just enough money to get by, and they pay their bills, then those policies make them pay unreasonable amounts for medical care.
Chas, in our country, USA, there is another sad factor besides the sad story that you told. This is quite personal as it happened to my older brother's oldest daughter in the 1970s. She and her husband were driving onto the freeway from an entrance to the freeway when they went out of control because of ice on the road. They hit a car in the process, and both of them were taken to the hospital. He was unconscious, so there was no one to sign for my niece whose spleen was ruptured. They left her laying in a hospital bed, and refused to treat her because there was no one there to sign for her, and she died because of that. I would never have believed that something would happen like that, but it did. Her husband was unconscious, unable to sign, so they would not trreat her. By the time he came out of his unconscious state she was dead! Just a couple of years ago he died of a heart attack aftrer raising their two children, after marrying the baby sitter. He drank too much, had a very successful escavating business, and died early becasue of the way he lived. His sister flew on an airplane from the east coast to attend his funeral, got back on the airplane, and died while the airplane was waiting for clearance for takeoff!