
As I walk with doggies I see more and more mosquitos all the time. One nice thing is that in this area of the country, in North Central Washington, USA the mosquitos don't carry disease that I am aware of. I have noticed just a few of them, and they take me by surprise when they are sucking my blood because usually I don't even feel them. I have very little reaction to them, and they normally are not bad to bite me. The last couple of mornings they have been thick while walking. I think there were actually more of them last year, so I don't know if there actaully were more of them or not, and they may get thicker yet. I have noticed that when I am walking early in the morning they are worse than later in the morning, so when I am first walking there appears to be more of them. They seem to disappear as the day gets hotter. This morning it felt hot even very early as I started my walk, but then a cloud cover came over, and the heat went away. We had a little wind come up which may have blown the mosquitos away. I think there were one or two days last summer that they were mor numerous than they are now. I would slap the back of my neck, and I kill several mosquitos with one slap!