Today was my Dad's birthday! He was born in 1907 July 3rd, one day before Independence Day. Before 1776 we were all part of the British Colonies. Also Texas was part of Mexico instead of the United States. I'm not sure about the other southern states, but I'll bet you, Sir Michael, know more about this than I do since you live there. There was a lot of dissention and unrest because the British were too serverely hard on these colonies. After we had been pushed harder than we should have been, we began to rebel, and before long we were in a war with Great Britian. We won our independence and that is celebrated on July 4th with fire works, and other activities, such as picnicing and eating. The young kids swim and play in the water, and the older people simply take a vacation from whatever they are doing to gather with friends, relatives, family, and loved ones.
The United States government mistreated the Indians who actually owned all this land prior to the white people coming here. The government representatives lied to, cheated, and stole from the American Indians. So as a result small measures are being taken to make up for that, such as paying the Indians for rights to Grand Coulee Dam, and giving them per capita sums of money in payments. The Indians also get tax breaks that the rest of us don't get, me included being just 1/16th American Indian. Many of the Indians actually fought against Great Britain with us to help us gain our independence from Great Britian. I don't know about elsewhere, but here on the Indian Reservation on which we live, the Indians set up fire work's stands all over the State of Washington. They use small buildings or even trailers to sell the fireworks. The Indians do a big business with fireworks' sales, and they make a lot of money. There are some restrictions on the use of fireworks! We just drove through the town where Grand Coulee Dam is on Monday, and there were signs: no fireworks allowed in this city. They have proven to be a fire danger as many people shoot them off in dry grassy areas, and they start fires. Years ago the Okanogan Fire Department did fireworks themselves at the Fair Grounds accepting donations to pay for their expenses. There are also some restrictions for the people setting them off. Some are considered to be commercial, and they are considered to be dangerous explosives, and for them speciall licenses and training are required. One family who llived in the National park took it upon themselves to do a fireworks show for everyone in the valley, which at the most is about 100 people living therre as well as some visiters, and they do this fireworks show in February when there is deep snow everwhere, and there is no fire danger. That is a fun time of eating and playing! July 4th is a fun time for everyone, and I think by now even the British get involved with it!