Happy Sunday

Here it is 4:13 p.m. on a Saturday, July 20, 2013, but in the Philippines it is Sunday Morning, 7:13 a.m. Many of you in the Philippines are getting ready to attend church. I wish you all a very happy Sunday Morning. This is the Sunday that we don't need to supervise the child visits, so I think we are going to be able to attend church. It is funny because years ago when I used to Pastor churches, it would irritate me when people would sleep in church, and now of all things I do it! I don't require a lot of sleep; I sleep short nights, but then at times I can't drive without falling asleep at the wheel. Since I am retired, if I get sleepy I just sit in my chair and fall asleep. I will not lay down during the day because I don't want to get comfortable enough to sleep too long and then not be able to sleep at night. I still have several projects that I need to complete, but there is no rush, no stress, and when I get finished with them that is fine. So, I feel badly about sleeping in church, but is seems that it just happens. Anyway we will enjoy being in church tomorrow!