Red, I worked with a guy at the sawmill who said that he loved the extreme hot weather because all the girls took off more clothes than they should have! Just Sunday I talked with a lady I have been dealing with for about a year buying building materials at Home Depot. She is always so nice, and wonderful to deal with, and we were discussing the heat because it was about 106 degrees F. in the shade or more with very little shade, and she told me that she preferred cold weather to hot, because she said that she could put enough clothing on in the winter to keep warm, but in the summer you run out of clothing that you can take off!
We went many years without any AC, as I don't require it, but Carol did suffer as the heat bothers her. I had a little unit given to me, and we used it in a window before we got the Sliding glass door, but it fell out of the window, and made vibrating sounds ever since. I guess hitting the ground was hard on it, so I gave it to our youngest daughter for one of her bedrooms. Carol complained long and loudly enough that my younger sister brought us 2 huge AirConditioners. I was mad at her, because they looked old and used, and I thought she just brought us her garbage, because it costs a lot of money here to dump airconditioners, but now I am sorry for being mad at her, because both of them work beautifully, and we have one in each bedroom which makes the two bedrooms almost cold and the living/dining/kitchen comfortable. Well, Carol thinks they are still too hot, but that is her version. They are comfortable.
Carol and I have this little friendly argument, because I don't like to run the airconditioner in the car either. I tell her that in the winter she wants the house 80 degrees, but in the summer she want the house and the car 50 degrees. I know that 80 degrees in the winter is cooler than 80 degrees in the summer. It has to do with radiation from the walls, and outside the car. It is unbelievable, but it is true. I will bet that you do miss the cool from Bukidnon, and I love it when it rains also. I like the relief from the heat even though it doesn't adversely affect me; cool feels better after extreeme hot!