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Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:20 am
by mystic
I would like to share one of my weekend readings. It's a commentary on the Song of Solomon from Tikunei Zohar. It's very beautiful, and I think it shows the troubled path that everybody of us is walking, looking for one's soulmate. The man coming and departing... seems like the many false loves that one finds in one's life. But the "last redemption" is the good one. She recognizes the man her soul loves. And she grabs his hands and does not let him go, until she brings him to her mother's house... where obviously he will ask her as bride. Here is the text. Who did not feel like this?

A third ancient one stood and said: “Rabbi, Rabbi, we differentiate among the trees of the heavens. And here, only the apples were mentioned, but we bless all the trees of heaven, for about them it was said: ‘And the smell of your nose like apples” (Song of Solomon 7:9). And not only that, but also every kind in heavens is fit to make a blessing over it. And we use the myrtle because it has three leaves, called the three little myrtles, which allude to the three forefathers. But the two nostrils are parallel to the two apples, which are the two true prophets from whom in the future will come forth the Holy Spirit, which is the Faithful Shepherd from above. In him, there will be her soul. And because of that, it was said: ‘Comfort me with apples; for I am sick of love’ (Song of Solomon 2:5). In the night of Shabbat, it is said: ‘I rose up to open to my beloved’ (Song of Solomon 5:5). And when the Shabbat comes, it is said: ‘But my beloved had withdrawn himself’ (Song of Solomon 5:5). And at that moment, ‘I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer’ (Song of Solomon 5:5). Until I have sworn that in another future I will hold his hands and I will not let him depart, as it was said: ‘I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house’ (Song of Solomon 3:4). This is the Temple above. ‘And into the chamber of her that conceived me’ (Song of Solomon 3:4) - this is the Temple below”.
And at the moment that I hold his hands in redemption afterwards, it will not be as the last times, for in each and every redemption he used to come to me, but then he would depart. But in this later redemption, I will hold his hands and I will be connected to him with a few bonds of love, in order for him not to depart from me for ever and ever. In each and every Exile, he departed from me, and I used to ask about him to everyone that came or went. And this is why it was written: “It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loves” (Song of Solomon 3:4). And sometimes, I could find no one who could tell me something about him, and I was terrified because of him. And I looked for him among all the dwellers of the city. And this is why it was written: “O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him, that I am sick of love” (Song of Solomon 5:8). And sometimes, “By night on my bed” (Song of Solomon 3:1) - which are the undulations - “I sought him whom my soul loves” (ibid. 3:4). And there was none to tell me about him, until he came to me. And now, in the last exile, my beloved ran away in great anger. And I asked about him, but could not find who could tell me something about him. And because of that, I am in panic, and decided that in the future I will hold his hands and will never let him go from me. I will hold him and will not let him go, as the bonds of the phylacteries used in the hand. And I will not let him go as the phylacteries of the head.

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:25 pm
by Edwin
Mystic, I think many of us have felt that way in times past over not being able to find our true love. Or we seem to find our true love, and for some reason who we think was our true love has slipped away. Mystic, when you find her, hold on tight, until she takes you to her mother and father! It is a sad thing I think to wish for love, and to be without love. It is a sad thing to wish to have company, and have no one to spend your time with. I pray mystic, that you will find your special one, and when that time comes that it will be happiness and joy all around! :D :D

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:22 pm
by mystic
Edwin wrote:Mystic, when you find her, hold on tight, until she takes you to her mother and father!

Oh, wasn't it supposed to happen the opposite way? I mean, the woman holding tight on the man?

Well, I am not the type who holds too tight, because I don't want to bug the person. Oh, maybe that's why I am still single :lol:

Anyway, I really would like to know: when a woman is making a distance with the man, how should the man behave, provided that he is genuinely interested in her? I come up with the following options:

1. Hold on her tight and not let her go
2. Let her go
3. Pray more
4. Be patient, stay on her side and wait

Any other option? But... which one is the best?

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:24 pm
by red
mystic wrote:
Edwin wrote:Mystic, when you find her, hold on tight, until she takes you to her mother and father!

Oh, wasn't it supposed to happen the opposite way? I mean, the woman holding tight on the man?

Well, I am not the type who holds too tight, because I don't want to bug the person. Oh, maybe that's why I am still single :lol:

Anyway, I really would like to know: when a woman is making a distance with the man, how should the man behave, provided that he is genuinely interested in her? I come up with the following options:

1. Hold on her tight and not let her go
2. Let her go
3. Pray more
4. Be patient, stay on her side and wait

Any other option? But... which one is the best?

I suggest be diligent on pursuing her. I heard many couples in the Philippines, mostly women said that their now husband were very diligent in courting then until they fell in love and finally said yes in marriage. When a woman say no for your love at first try, don't give up if you really like and love her work hard more show her how much you care and love her. It might work that way. :)

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:16 am
by Edwin
Generally in our society, and I understand it is even more imporant in Philippine society that the man is the one who initiates the action. It is not acceptable in many circles for the women to take the first action, but I say is there is desire, and it is right, go for it. Like Ma Kettle said, "We don't stand on no ceremony here!" So go for it, ladies, don't wait for the man to make the first move if you wnat to; you be brave, go for it, and get it. Ladies hold on, gentlemen, hold on to the other! Don't give up, keep trying until you are sure there is no hope, or you don't think it is right. :D :D

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:02 am
by mystic
Ok, thank you for your opinion. The important is not to do things blindly, but with the guidance of the Lord. Seeing that I always mistook in life, I entrust to Him every decision.

I also believe that one's mate should "complete" the other. Completing means being able to reach a higher height that is not attainable by the single person, in the service of the Lord. So, I would be glad to choose a girl if I know I can help her reaching a higher perfection and would accept her if she can allow me to reach a higher perfection too. But if I see that I would not be of much usefulness to her, I would think that we are not meant to be together.

Just to make an example. I don't remember where I heard this, but I always take it as a model. A couple is like a bird. The man is the wings and the woman is the body. Wings alone cannot fly, and so the body alone. But when they are together, they can fly. Where do they fly? To heaven (to the Lord). So, only in marriage there is the possibility to reach the higher heights and get our consciousness transformed. This is what I am looking for. I want to be a blessing and be blessed, furthering the knowledge of the Lord.

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:46 am
by red
I agree with you Mystic just like me and my husband. But it make sure that you find a partner that has same belief with you or you with her. And I think you and Crisi are a match. :D

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:45 pm
by Edwin
A couple, marriage partners are to complement each other. This is like 1 + 1 = 3, because God is part of that. Also 2 people can do more than twice as much work as one person, because one person cannot hold up a heavy ackward board, but two people can. Two people can do 3 times the amount of work as one person can. Have you ever tried holding a board above your head and nailing it? It is not easy. The Bible says that for Marriage partners, when one is down the other lift that person up, so don't stay down, get married! Two people of like faith are an encouragement to each other, and that is definately a plus for getting married. :lol: :lol:

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:59 pm
by crisipicada
Do not trouble yourself of finding the soulmate. I do believe that someone is prepared for anyone.

Someone says, "I find the wrong husband or wife".

There could be wrong choices in life, but remember, it is our choice.

Now if you have find the wrong one, the best thing to do is to make yourself right one. If you are the right one, then you desire to be right with him or her and always looking for good and try to help him or her to be the right one for you. Remember, there is nothing hard for God for the person to change. He can change you or He can change him or her.

So keep up the faith and pray. That is the only solution to have a right choice. Thus, it is the way to be wise in our decisions in life.

Re: Troubling to find one's soulmate

PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:21 am
by mystic
Not troubling, really. The Scriptures seem to imply a certainty.

“She is a Tree of Life to them that lay hold on her; and happy is every one that retains her” (Proverbs 3:18)

“And she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days” (Deuteronomy 22:19)