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God knows best!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:12 pm
by m&m
I know and I knew it, a lot of people experience pain, heartache, troubles in life, even hardships that they think that they wont ever survive because I for one experience that too.

On regard to dating or courting, a lot of people also have failures or unsuccessful relationship. Someone would say, she/he is being cheated, the other would say, "Someone was dishonest with him/her", or even Someone would say, "she/he just use me".

No matter what have been through in your life, or even in my life, I learn to trust the Lord and be thankful to it. Why? Because He knows best.

You might not know, that He protected you when you learn to trust Him, He is guiding you on the next direction or next plan. He knows best.

Or, maybe He is preparing you for a greater blessing and greater things that you have not expected to have a better one because He knows best.

Or, maybe because you deserve something better and give you what is best for you, for, He knows best.

Or, maybe He wants you to be a blessing to others and to be an encouraging to others, because He knows best.

Or, maybe He wanted to straight your path and do what is right in Him, because He knows best.

Or, maybe He wants you to be a comforter to someone who will also experience the same thing that happens to you, because He knows best.

And most of all, He loves you, that is why He knows best what is for you.

And now, it is important to trust the Lord more and more and increase your faith to Him claiming that He knows best and desire what is best for you. Because He knows best.

Hope and pray that this becomes an encouragement to all of you. :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:49 pm
by red
I agree to that! :D As the saying goes : heartbreak is a like a blessing from God it is His way of letting you realize that He saved you from the wrong person. Although it may not all be the case in breaking up with someone but may be God has better plan for you. It takes time to realize. Just trust Him coz He knows the best for you.

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:58 pm
by Edwin
My brother 22 months younger than I shot and killed himself with he was 21 years old, in the end of January, 1969. My older brother was hurting because he had tried to help him with his life. My Dad had a hard time with it, and that may have contributed to his heart condition and death a few years later. My Mom just went crazy, but God gave her peace after a time. I was traumatized by it, and I still wish it had not happened after all these years. He was working for a ranching feeding cow and bulls, he had something else going as well, and he could not get to his other project because of drifted snow. He was not feeling well, was so intoxicated that he should have been passed out. He was having night mares He had one of his night mares, woke up, got up, and shot himself. My Dad's response was the scripture that says, "Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?" We had an insensitive Christian friend a number of years ago who was talking about someone who had commited suicide, and she said, "That person went straight to hell!" Well I hope my little brother is safe with Jesus, but that is in the hands of the Lord. We are all basically responsible for our own lives, and our decisions are ours and we live by then as well as reaping the results. The Lord does know all about it, and He is the judge, and I am leaving it up to Him. I hope I can see my little brother again. :D :D

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:30 pm
by m&m
Like Job, he did not understand why he experienced trials in life knowing that he live a good life and pleasing to God. But what happened to him, he lost all his things, his family, his possession, his health even his wife try to tell him to curse his God. Are we not only thankful for good things? How about bad things that happened to us even we try to ask ourselves that we did not do something wrong or against His will. Why it happens to us? But remember, He knows best. He let these things happen to us even we did not understand, despite we try to live a life of good reputation, because He has plan for it. He knows best and He never been mistaken.

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:52 pm
by Edwin
Yes, God knows best, and we leave some things to God, and figure someday we will understand. My little brother grew up too fast having many experiences that he shouldn't have had. He went to California and lived the good life for a few years. We didn't know a lot about his life during that period of time as we didn't keep constant communication. He did some jobs like washing dishes. He also was working with a trucker driving small trucks part of the time. He loved to dress well, and groom a lot, and he was very fussy about the way he looked/his appearance. Off and on he was in the Hollywood scene. He appeared in some movies, and one particular show he told us he was in was a show called "Petticoat Junction." He also did small favors for some of the acting/actors/actresses families. If I watched some old movies, from the 1960s, and old television shows I would probably see him in some of them, which would be kind of fun, and I may look for some of them some day. :lol: :lol:

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:09 am
by m&m
Yes, He knows what is best for us. Do not get discourage, everyone, because He prepares what is best for us. Only we need to trust Him.

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 6:47 am
by Edwin
There was a television show from the late 1950s/1960s called "Father Knows Best." I think I saw a few of them, but not many as I was not into watching television at that time. Our family did not have television/did not watch television, but my older brother had television in his home, and I got to watch some of it once in a while. Actually I watched it part of the time, and then part of the time I would not watch it as my Dad did not believe in watching television and would not have a television in our house. Maybe or maybe not father knows best, but our Father God always knows best, and we do need to trust Him, and as you said M & M, we need not to get discouraged, because we believe that better days are coming, in this life, or in eternity if we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. :D :D

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:45 am
by kate
It is important to trust the leading of the Holy Spirit because the human mind and heart cannot fully perceive what is in the heart and mind of the person. If in the case that the person change, but at first it was not, it is a matter of the heart. For me, it needs to pray for the person to change. Trust the Lord and He will not fail you

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:41 am
by Smiley
We need faith. We also have to be very clear in our hearts as to where our faith is focused,Faith in a bunch of New Age mumbo jumbo is meaningless and dangerous as it can dilute our devotion to God.
As Edwin stated,we are all ultimately responsible for what we do.When we want better for ourselves and for those around us we should always keep in mind that God helps those who help themselves. If you don`t have a job you could just sit in a dark corner and moan and groan in prayer or you could prepare yourself to be of value to an employer,clean yourself up and get out everyday searching for a decent job. Which do you suppose would be more effective? Faith in God is necessary but so is personal due diligence.Rather than just praying for a good harvest,Praying for a good harvest while tending your garden is a lot more productive. God has given us what we need but it is up to us what we do with what we have been given.

Re: God knows best!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by crisipicada
Smiley wrote:We need faith. We also have to be very clear in our hearts as to where our faith is focused,Faith in a bunch of New Age mumbo jumbo is meaningless and dangerous as it can dilute our devotion to God.
As Edwin stated,we are all ultimately responsible for what we do.When we want better for ourselves and for those around us we should always keep in mind that God helps those who help themselves. If you don`t have a job you could just sit in a dark corner and moan and groan in prayer or you could prepare yourself to be of value to an employer,clean yourself up and get out everyday searching for a decent job. Which do you suppose would be more effective? Faith in God is necessary but so is personal due diligence.Rather than just praying for a good harvest,Praying for a good harvest while tending your garden is a lot more productive. God has given us what we need but it is up to us what we do with what we have been given.

As we pray,and let the Lord speak to our hearts through His word, the Bible, He also clear our hearts and motives. We build faith as we constantly pray and read the Bible. We are human, and our human nature is always against the will of God. It is important to ask for His daily grace to enable to face the day and its challenges it brings everyday. It is all by His grace that we can resist temptations and trials.