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What Creates Love

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:59 pm
by jake
Few disagree it is love that seals the relationship between a man and a woman. However, one has to go back a step and consider the factor(s) responsible for creating love. A man may glance fleetingly at a beautiful woman or a woman may slyly glance at a handsome man. If either one begin speaking incomprehensibly, the beauty and handsomeness lose a bit of luster. Activities a couple does together creates their love for each other. Therefore, there needs to be much a stronger emphasis on activities that are done socially. When a couple is just learning about each other either by e-mail/letter or physically meeting, a strong emphasis should be placed on each one’s preferred activities. This brings me to my concern. I am awed and overwhelmed by symphonies, opera and ballet, yet these activities are almost unmentioned by virtually every female pen pal. Friendship and love would be greatly speeded up if this process could be reversed.

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:00 am
by cheryz
jake wrote:A man may glance fleetingly at a beautiful woman or a woman may slyly glance at a handsome man.

it depend of situation. in some cases some women or man do that but if theres love in their relationship only man or woman they love they can see it no one can interrupt it. but sometimes it happens only they appreciate it the fact the beauty of mankind :D .

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:20 pm
by jake
I have an apology to make to you for I miswrote. I meant to write that the first time an attractive couple see each other or meets, each one may be attracted by the other's looks. However when they begin speaking to one another, it may be that either one or both of them become bored with the other. Or it may be that what interests one member of the couple doesn't interest the other one in the least. Or it may be that they have nothing in common. I had such an experience a number of years ago. I went to see a friend who had been admitted to a hospital in western Canada. In the room that adjoined his room was a strikingly beautiful registered nurse who had recently immigrated from the Philippines. She was always busy but finally I convinced my friend's nurse to ask the Filipino nurse to to go to lunch with her and I would just happen to run into the two of them in the hospital dining room. And so that is what happened and the three of us sat down to eat our lunch. As it happened, four or five months earlier I had been sent from Canada to Cotabato in Mindanao some three times. I was prepared to discuss why I had been sent there as well as my living accommodations and all about betting on the cock fights. The beautiful nurse had absolutely no interest in my trips to the Philippines and simply wanted to discuss in detail the TV programs she watched each week. I politely listened but since I am not a TV fan I had only a question or two I could ask her. Both of us tried different topics that might interest the other person. At the end of the lunch she mentioned that we didn't seem to have many interests in common (In actual fact, we hadn't found even one interest we had in common) and so it probably wasn't worthwhile meeting again. I heartedly agreed with her and that was the end of what I had hoped would be the beginning of a relationship with a very beautiful nurse.

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:45 am
by mercedez
chemistry creates love :D whenever theres a chemistry theres love :D sometimes its only an crush then infatuation but suddenly move into higher level called true love :) is that amazing to realize that what love is. its only a cycle if some may encounter it but some may not also.

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:13 am
by angel
yes merced maybe right , what creates love for me, the feelings towards opposite sex, and the feelings becomes like and then love. both parties have the same feeling or mutual understanding, in order to have love theirs to people have these feelings.

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:23 pm
by m&m
Again, there is a saying that two opposite sex attract each other.

There are things that a person is being appreciated by another person. Because of his or her naturalness, being his or her character.

I must tell that person, has different traits and character. That is being mold as he or she grows, influence by parents, environment, people, school and a lot more.

The good thing for Christian is that, we are taught about the Bible and how our beliefs in Christ affect our lives.

When we try to seek the will of God, He will work in our lives through the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit will be shown in us. That what makes Christian different from other people and that becomes attracted to people. And in this case, people learn to love us, because of who we are. It gives attraction on how we live in this world.

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:42 am
by angel
ive known people who love material things even theres no love between opposite sex she uses her beauty to attract men, then men gives what she want. (sigh) i thought it could happen to anyone if theres no Faith in God, and Fear in God they have the ability to do this. it sad to say mostly i know uses men for there material thing :(

Re: What Creates Love

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:48 pm
by crisipicada
jake wrote:Few disagree it is love that seals the relationship between a man and a woman. However, one has to go back a step and consider the factor(s) responsible for creating love. A man may glance fleetingly at a beautiful woman or a woman may slyly glance at a handsome man. If either one begin speaking incomprehensibly, the beauty and handsomeness lose a bit of luster. Activities a couple does together creates their love for each other. Therefore, there needs to be much a stronger emphasis on activities that are done socially. When a couple is just learning about each other either by e-mail/letter or physically meeting, a strong emphasis should be placed on each one’s preferred activities. This brings me to my concern. I am awed and overwhelmed by symphonies, opera and ballet, yet these activities are almost unmentioned by virtually every female pen pal. Friendship and love would be greatly speeded up if this process could be reversed.

This is a good observation when it comes to knowing the man or the woman. Beauty fades. I mean physical beauty. It is important to cultivate love through activities. Another thing is sharing your daily activities, when you are talking online, so that both of you knows more. However, it is important to know the love language of another. Notice how you would love your love one that he or she likes because love language is important. As far as I know, being KIND is what matters most in relationship. When someone is high emotionally, the other understand, and vice versa. My brother in law said, "it is the commitment that makes the marriage last". Therefore, feelings might fade, love might fluctuate, but commitment is important.

Another tip that I can share about women, or Filipina women is we are possessive. I believe I am. We wanted our love one secure us with love. Secure our emotion. In return, we do the same. Remember, women just respond to the love of the man he showed. Other women may not respond the way as soon as possible but patience is a virtue. We are just like that. We need patience. I can say that because even some of my brothers had 8 years of relationship before they got married. One has been into 4 years relationship when they get married. However, we Fililpina would just wait and not act first even we love someone. It is just our culture.