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Postby chaychay644 » Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:44 pm

Have you ever been in a situation wherein your life been put to danger? if so, you might have think of the possible things you could have done to avoid the situation.

Some of you here may have watched the movies of Jackie Chan and Jet Li. They are really good in martial arts and I admired them so much coz they have the ability to defend themselves even if they have lots of opponents. Truly, amazing and admirable skills. But, have you ever think of enrolling in martial art class? Just for you to be able to protect yourself?

Sometimes accidents are the results of peoples own recklessness. We don’t need to study martial arts just to do so. Yes, we can’t deny the fact that sometimes it may helps. But, oftentimes we just need to think the right way in order to avoid accidents. Not Me Baby Not Me Baby Not Me Baby

Like for example, you are going out with friends at night. All you have to do is to be very careful in choosing dress so that you can avoid nasty behaviors from boys.


Try to be decent at all times. Another example is when you are driving home. It happened that you don’t have focus on your driving, and so you didn’t notice that there is a bus running so fast that it was late when you noticed. The result? You had an accident. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


With this, we can say that the very first thing that we can do for self-defense is to use our common sense and of course BE AWARE!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby edeline » Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:56 am

chaychay644 wrote:Have you ever been in a situation wherein your life been put to danger? if so, you might have think of the possible things you could have done to avoid the situation.

Some of you here may have watched the movies of Jackie Chan and Jet Li. They are really good in martial arts and I admired them so much coz they have the ability to defend themselves even if they have lots of opponents. Truly, amazing and admirable skills. But, have you ever think of enrolling in martial art class? Just for you to be able to protect yourself?

Sometimes accidents are the results of peoples own recklessness. We don’t need to study martial arts just to do so. Yes, we can’t deny the fact that sometimes it may helps. But, oftentimes we just need to think the right way in order to avoid accidents. Not Me Baby Not Me Baby Not Me Baby

Like for example, you are going out with friends at night. All you have to do is to be very careful in choosing dress so that you can avoid nasty behaviors from boys.


Try to be decent at all times. Another example is when you are driving home. It happened that you don’t have focus on your driving, and so you didn’t notice that there is a bus running so fast that it was late when you noticed. The result? You had an accident. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


With this, we can say that the very first thing that we can do for self-defense is to use our common sense and of course BE AWARE!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The martial arts done by the actors are really admirable. I know not just me wishes to somewhat learn some of those self defense. It is very useful but I agree with you Chay that it doesn't need for us to be like him or as good as him just to defend ourselves. There are so many ways to defend ourselves and I think that is be very very careful in what we are doing.
Several accidents may come on our way and it is upp to us to manage it. We will just hope that the accident that we will encounter will not be worse.

On the streets, the most common accident is car accident due to recklessness of the drivers driving the cars. I don't know why people still drive even if they got drunk, why not just stay if they think they can't drive anymore. Accident doesn't choose people whom it wants to occur. We are all prone to it so better be careful all of the time if possible.

I can still remember when I was on the bus, I saw an accident which was very very sad. Usually when I am on the bus, I am looking ooutside what is going on if I am not too tired. I wasn't tired yet at that time so I was looking outside. I witnessed that event when the motorbike driver was driving so fast and thinking that he owns the street. The pregnant woman crossed the street to catch up the bus I was riding and at that time the motorbike driver was still far but because of the increasing speed he hit the pregnant woman. She was just lucky that she wasn't miscarriaged but she was really thrown aways to a father place and the driver got wounded.
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Postby edeline » Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:00 am

I also came across an accident which was the worst thing, the brain was scattered. I was on the bus on way back to Cebu City. I was sleeping at that time but suddenly there was a traffic and I was distracted of the noise outisde until I saw 2 cars and a driver of motorbike crashed each other., The inspector who went inside the bus announced to people, that the man was dead because of overtaking and his brain was scattered. I can't imagine it. That was so sad because Christmas was approaching at that time. Usually at night, the drivers are really trying to compete of who can run the engine quickly. It is not good to be in a rush. Haste makes waste.
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Postby Chas » Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:50 pm

There is always risks involved in whatever you do. Just think and try to minimise the risk.

If you ride a motorbike wear a helmet. If you are in a car wear a seatbelt, even in the back if fitted. If you are walking along a road at night try and wear something bright that drivers will easily see. It is all basic common sense, but it is easy to forget to do it. Give good luck a helping hand :D

P.S. When driving at night if you want to scare the whatsits out of your passengers close your right eye (assumes left hand drive) and pretend to snore :lol: :roll:
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Postby Edwin » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:00 pm

When I was a little boy in the 1950s, my Dad was a motor mechanic for a lumber company. He rebuilt engines in logging and lumber trucks, as well as the owner's Cadellac. I was at church hanging out with the Assembly of God preacher and his wife who were our good friends. My Dad came to pick me up to head home. Before we went home he wanted to see a sight that nearly made him vomit. A logger had given an older gentleman a ride in his logging truck to see the dentist. The logging truck driver let the man out to see the dentist. They figured the man fainted falling under the wheel of the logging truck and it smashed his head leaving his brains on the road. It was rather traumatic, and I'm not sure why my Dad wanted to see that, anyway he did. I saw also, but I didn't look very long as it was too gruesome.

When driving tours in the Stehekin Valley I had one grade for about a half mile that I had to drive up a steep hill with the river on the lower edge, which was a drop off from the road down about 500 feet. When driving up that hill I told the people on the bus that I often closed my eyes while driving up that narrow road that was only wide enough for one vehicle, and barely wide enough for a bus. I got quite the reactions over the years. Another driver gave me the idea to do that. He was a retired high school superintent, and he still wanted excitement. Those were fun days. Once people figured out that I was joking they would settle their nerves and usually laugh about it. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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