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What was your day like (Part 2)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:17 pm
by jadegil6
Sorry to hear about the trauma with the typhoons, and I hope that you are not at risk.

I tried to reply on the other Topic (What was your day like?) , but I could not get a page to respond on. I think that maybe that topic has reached it's limit of posts and comments, so I have started a part 2 to continue the thread.

I worked today on my project, and I still have until Thursday before our rains are expected, and I am still hoping to get the building roof finished before then. This project has too much stress for my liking, and I will be so happy to get the roof finished so I don't have to worry about it raining.

Re: What was your day like (Part 2)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:13 am
by crisipicada
I guess it is still working about that title above, "What was your day like"