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Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:57 pm
by crisipicada
Have a good day to everyone. I write this topic about cancer to ask advice on how to cure it. I have a nephew who has been suffering from cancer since birth. He is now age 3 and his hand is getting big. As big as about 1o inches circumference. A big lump in his neck and armpit makes him suffers a lot due to pain and feeling uncomfortable. I just feel sad because the first diagnosis was he has a lung problem and he has been treated for six months. We seek second opinion and found out that he has lymphoma. Due to financial constraint, we send them to Davao for free medication. The doctor recommended for chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But then after 10 months in Davao, the said treatment cannot be done due to weak immune system. But still we shoulder the daily needs for the father (my brother) and my nephew. I have been into alternative medicine even before. Infact that helps my mother live longer after she got stroke. To my suggestion to go to alternative medicine, my brother refuse and wanted to go back to Davao to continue the chemotherapy. Since the kid still needs observation until he is in good health, the chemotherapy is not applicable. Therefore, the kid will become more sick. Until then that I insist to go to other doctor. As of now the kid has lots of alternative medicine given by the doctor. It cost us a lot for this and until now I am desperate to see my nephew getting thin and sickly. He has no appetite and I feel so sad and cry everytime he told me that Jesus is in his heart and he will be healed. Anyone can suggest for the cure of cancer?Your opinion is much appreciated.

Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:48 am
by cheryz
Hello Crisi, sorry to hear about your nephew ill pray for him

its so hard for a child have cancer at young age thats really hurt for you and your family especially for the parent. some cases cancer can be treated if diagnose at early stage but its so expensive

. Im hoping your nephew will be fine and feeling better soon Crisi.

Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by jadegil6
I looked into the baking soda treatment for a 81 year old woman who has a tumor in her lung, and sent her granddaughter some info about that, but I don't know if that would be appropriate for a child or for leukemia. The idea is to keep the body in an alkaline condition because cancers like an acidic condition for them to grow and multiply. Adding 2 tablespoons of baking soda to a glass of water, and possibly adding some honey to sweeten the taste because it is very foul tasting, and drinking this 2 to 3 times a day will keep the body in an alkaline condition. I personally use/drink apple cider vinegar for that purpose on a daily basis.
This friend of mine on facebook is fighting cancer now with some alternative treatments. You can contact her and tell her you are a friend of mine, and I am sure she will tell you what she tries. Her facebook is Gladys Reyes and it is at

Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:39 pm
by jadegil6
Just to update about the two ladies I talked about in my previous post.....
The older lady is still living and doing her daily routines, but she never tried the baking soda cure, and her tumor has grown instead of shrinking.
The other lady has lost a lot of weight, and seems to be happier about her treatments, but she misses eating whatever she likes, and grows tired of the strict diet. I am not sure if her health has improved that much, but she seems to think it has.
My sister fought against cancer for 12 years. She was diagnosed with lung cancer 12 years ago, and had a double lung transplant. She had a lot of problems with that procedure, and was in and out of the hospital. Then she got breast cancer 3 years ago, and had a mastectomy. Then she got kidney cancer two years ago and was having dialysis. Her doctor told her that her body could not withstand having a kidney transplant. Then she got skin cancer on her skull, and she died from these cancers in January of this year.

Thu May 21, 2020 6:55 pm
by jadegil6
Both of the ladies died from their cancers.
The 81 year old died in November, and the other died in January.
They were both Christians, and I think that they are with the Lord now.