"I love you and I will always take care of you"

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"I love you and I will always take care of you"

Postby crisipicada » Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:13 pm

Did someoneor anyone told you these words? It is a feeling of joy knowing someone loves us especially when someone has those assurance of love. Love that is unconditional and accept your past, present and future. A love that accepts differences, beliefs, and character. Someone, who you are not afraid even if you sometimes you act crazy or unusual such as cranky or irritable (this is common to woman during their monthly feminine visit). Even people change, because his or character has been influenced by environment, education, people whom she or he interact with that mold him or her. When you heard someone said that, it feels heaven on earth and you wanted to be with that person because you know for sure she or he wont let you go. However, why two people part their ways when someone has said that words to the other? Is someone being accepted fully of who he/she is? Just like the love of Christ who accept us even we are sinners, He still love us. He is waiting for us to come back to Him. When we commit mistake, is He still forgiving and loving? or Did He forsake us? No, He never leave us nor forsake us. He always loves us despite of who we are. Sometimes, communication is a big barrier to relationship. When two people love each other, and when both are in the stage of opennes in their relationship, stress and struggle is prevalent. Will you still accept the person despite of his or past or who he/she is?How will you resolve your differences? Or will you tell her/him you are afraid if relationship wont work? Telling a woman "I am afraid if we are meant for each other because of our diferrences" is just the same as "i am breaking up with you". It is a feeling of being unwanted. also it means "i don't need you anymore". It is a painful words that womans heart is being cut by a two edged sword that bleeds all over her heart. Most women keep in their hearts and accept her fate of being left behind when relationship is already so high as climbing the top of the mountain and someone wont hold the rope, and the impact is devastating. For those who.will have their relationship in the future, may your words encourage and uplift ones spirit, and stay positive. Each person have flaws even identical twins. Enjoy each moment in life, focus on how you can nourish the relationship, set aside things that you dont agree with rather than respect ones belief and let us assess ourselves what good influence we can be to our love one. I have said these words to one person only in my life and i always keep him in my heart forever. Take care of womans heart, because women, indeed, needs constant reassurance of love and not self-doubt of your love.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God
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