Attract the Person You Want Into Your Life

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Attract the Person You Want Into Your Life

Postby crisipicada » Sat Nov 23, 2019 9:50 pm

Could I attract the person that I want into my life? Absolutely! I thought a lot of people who want to know this. So, let us take a look and let make some visual in our mind. This is how you attract the person you want into your life. Take a sheet of paper or card, and put a circle in it. And inside that circle, write the word “My Man” or “My Woman” which ever you want to attract. Then, draw lines from that circle and start to fill in. And here, you write the qualities of the person you want. The qualities that you want to be with, the first quality you want is must be free, because if they are not, they are not gonna be. You also want a person who is affectionate. Someone, who shows affections and tender. You want someone who gives you quality time (this is one of my love language and I need attention) and physical touch like hugging. You also want a person who is a happy one. Who wants to be with us who have sad face all the time? This seems to be preposterous to other people, if you understand the law, that we are exactly the expression of the same power and this power operates the law, vibration is one of the laws. Vibration is the primary law, attraction is secondary. You can only attract to you what is in harmonious vibration with. You want an attractive kind person. You want someone who is patient and kind. And you will find that you can live a pretty good life with this kind person. You want somebody who is caring and optimistic. Someone who is hopeful and confident about the future. You think these things what you want. You understand this, you do not put a face on that person in that circle. I know you have an eye to somebody. You have no right to mess with their mind. And that would you be doing. You are transmitting images to them. You must send this to universe. Keep thinking of the qualities you want someone who is in good health. You want a healthy person. Someone who is vibrant, alive. You want somebody who has a good appearance, someone who is look sharp. Someone who takes care of their body – what they eat and drink, healthy foods. Okay you want someone who is financially independent. Someone who is thinking about sharing in making a living. There is no hang up about money (means debt free). You want someone who has his personal growth. A person who is openminded and respect differences and loves to read. If you are into personal growth, you seem to want that person has personal growth. Remember, you do not put a face on this person. Then you are messing their mind and you don’t have the right to do that. You start to see yourself to be with this person. If there is not enough there then you put some lines there. And you start to fill them in. then keep add more qualities you want and then mentally you live with this person. Don’t tell anybody you are doing that. You go for walk to them, you talk with them, you have dinner with them. And you mentally carry with the conversation with those imaginary person. Now what you are doing, when you are thinking with all these qualities in your mind, you are putting yourself in that vibration. And you keep doing that and you are doing that in a regular basis and understand the universe gonna send to you exactly what you are in harmony with. If you are attracting what you don’t want, you better look at your because you are the only person that can change you because you cannot change the other person. You do this, you make love to this person, you go for walk, you have dinner with them. Everything that you would be doing you do this with individual. And you gonna find that this person, will BOOM!!! Walk into your life. Try it, you will like it. :D :) :D :D
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Re: Attract the Person You Want Into Your Life

Postby crisipicada » Sat Nov 23, 2019 9:55 pm

Attract The Person You Want Into Your Life
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