As I have learned, negative does not mean bad. There are two ways to God, a positive and a negative one.
The positive way is when you get signs from heaven, you walk on the leaves that angels put below your feet so that you don't stumble, all happens in God's timing, you are under God's shield, nothing touches you, you prosper, your life is simple, easy, happy.
But not all are so fortunate to have all. And there comes the negative way, the way that lets you appreciate things and values through their deprivation. You come close to God because you don't have something, your life is in peril, anything bad happens to you, people take all you have. At the end, this is a deeper way, because you come to appreciate things that, in the positive way, you would just neither notice nor value.
Another difference between the positive and negative way is that in the positive way people tend to take any effort to keep what they have. They don't want to lose it. Instead, in the negative way nothing is left to be lost.
The Bible contains positive and negative (do not do...) precepts. The negative ones are more than the positive ones. That may seem astounding, as the human mind is made so that it really understands only positive precepts. Even when you teach a baby, it's easy to explain, "do this", but the baby doesn't readily grasp "don't do that".
In the maximal sciences we cannot entirely grasp phenomena and we come to rely exclusively on knowledge learned through the not. We know that electron exist, theorize their orbit, but we have no clue how it really is. We could never stop an electron and check, or take a picture of it.
I came to the feeling that becoming old means experiencing more issues, which gradually accumulate along one's lifespan. Therefore, we are likely to begin with the positive way, but it then becomes a negative way. It seems to me that all is just a preparation for that event of life called "death", when we finally lose even the last bit that was left to us. We come into this world just to learn how not to be - which is indeed an enrichment, as we add the word "not" to "to be". A not is added to our existence, giving it a richer meaning.
Through the lack I learned,
absence is my friend,
deprivation is my fate,
let God carve my soul.
Goodbye to all.