Multiple Personality People

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Multiple Personality People

Postby mystic » Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:29 am

Some people are straightforward and true to themselves, some others have multiple personalities and are prone to schizophrenia.

The latter group is more common among women, as they are the ones who often need to adapt in a relationship. They are like time bombs, just waiting for the right time to explode (usually when you don't expect them to).

My greatest failures in life have been with such people, as I didn't properly recognize their nature. So, I find it useful to draw sums, to find a way to spot them out before it is too late. Maybe someone else may contribute to the topic.

So, let's define their traits. They have a heart, but they usually don't listen to it. They have a face/personality for each situation and person. They may have multiple email accounts, one for every scope. If they are into online dating, they are likely to talk to many and telling each of them they are only talking to one. They may be into a relation, but have their profile in some other "unknown" dating site.
They are never straightforward, despite they just claim the opposite. They have a really bad communication, at least about their inner self. They take decisions, sometimes based on revenge or their own pride, but they don't share the reasons. So, their behavior seems ambiguous. When you see something strange that you cannot explain, and you just find telling yourself that you should just accept that because it's not such a big deal, you miss a big underlying issue, which you will never know. If you feel like being driven nuts or that you just got a clod shower, that's not your issue. It is simply because you are confronted by one face, which that person chose to show you. Of course, you could try to reach another face, but those people don't like to be unmasked, so they will never recognize it or allow you something different than they show, even if their underlying feeling may differ. They are not used to be true to themselves.

Obviously, with straightforward people simply communicating may solve issues very quickly. But with multiple personality people it never works. Even if you solve one thing, they will present you with another thing, just changing to another face, or reinforcing their current face. You may notice that they don't use the same face with others, but just with you. They may even talk to others about you in completely different and contradicting ways.
One sign is that, in a relation, they pretend or expect something which is very different from their ordinary past life. It seems that all is due, they dictate you the rules of the relationship, what they expect, how it should be. But it seems never enough. See their past life, and you will notice that nothing like that ever existed. You are not a brother, a mate, you will never be someone of her family. You will be always looked with different eyes and scrutinized for what the whim/expectation of their current face is. Don't try to get to their heart, because they won't allow. You will be just presented with things to do, behavior rules... which lead to nothing and have no genuineness. Love is selfless, not incensing her whims. It will never be love on her side. The only fact that she puts conditions is a defense, a distancing from you, not giving herself to you. She is so busy to maintain all her personalities that it is impossible for her to give herself. Indeed, she doesn't have something she can give, as she is confused herself.

This bears a heavy consequence. Those people end up not knowing themselves. They confuse each personality and don't know what they are. What can they give to their mate? They can only give what is their current personality with them, which is indeed a hidden agenda. She would never call it so, of course, but everything revolves exclusively around pleasing that face of them. So, it is indeed a hidden agenda, as that is not their heart, but a mere facade. The paradox is that the hidden agenda is in front of you; it is her face, which you think is genuine. But the real hidden thing is her heart, which is hidden to her too.
When it comes to become one with their mates, this is impossible, as they cannot be one with themselves either. So, their marriages are doomed to failure.

Other signs of their multiple personalities is when they mix heaven with hell, so to speak. As an example, they always shield behind God. But at the same time they advise about psychology, which is a pseudo-science that labels all humans as "animals" that have to obey to social rules or be exploited. Psychology ruins the life of so many people, exploits child trafficking, feeds the pharma industry. Every few years they invent new "social illnesses" that have no scientific backing, just to exploit people and do their business. If your mate advises to go to a psychologist, better to run away before it is too late.

Then, when a multiple personality person reaches or exhausts her goal/face, she drops you in no time. She really has no problem to do it, as she never had a genuine feeling. Despite the appearance, they are very troubled people. They constantly fight among their multiple personalities. So, they are never happy, always complain of something. They may feel internally very broken. Their suffering heart may push them to seek some exit, because it knows what is genuine. But their personalities will kick in to ruin everything and they will never recognize that.

I have loved people like that. I know their heart probably more then they know it themselves. I cannot withdraw my feelings, because I am straightforward. Like the sun, I shine my feelings. If one decides to shield under a roof or just trashes me to the bin, it's their issue. Of course, I would never go any further, because those troubled and immature souls need a long way to redeem themselves before being fit for any true relation. As used as they are with themselves, they only see the facade in the people near them. They are unable to see the heart, which is just an empty word. I can only wish them to live their empty life without damaging others, and if they have a chance, improve their own being.
I usually spare those people of my comments, as I prefer they are left at least with a remembrance of what a pure feeling is, so that it may be of help in their future. But I recognize it is a sin if I don't tell them, because it doesn't allow them to grow, and we are all here to become better beings. As useless it may be, at least toward me, they may be better with another some time in the future. Maybe a seed will sprout some day. At the end, it is always an act of love.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:33 pm

It is always good to be honest and genuine. I feel that it is a good trait. No one wants to be lied to. Can be in any relationship,in family, work or even strangers.

I try to gain some insights how to deal with different personality trait actually and I feel that it has nothing bad to it. The more a person understand the person and its behavior, the more a person know how to respond to it. Even, I myself try to search and see what my personality and infact I took online test about it.

Even before, psychological test is part of the university as prerequisite to enrol. So I feel that it is not bad at all.
Also, a person's life and personality has a wide influence from outside especially family. The role of parents is really a great influence.

On the other hand, to patch up the bad image to clients, I was task then to talk to people and serve as the frontliner. Usually, newly graduate from training has the attitude of being frank and straight forward in terms of interacting to people. And that cause bad image and lots of complaints.

Usually, clients wants result and wants their concern be approved. And if not they have the tendency be wary and frustrated.

Here are some example that transpired.

"It is the policy that you comply first before we approve your papers"

"Your concern has not meet the minimum requirement, with that I cannot afford that it poses threat to lives and properties. As early as possible, it needs to be corrected Also, if we approve it, we will be accountable and liable for any untoward incident. I hope you understand"

The first one is kind of having negative impact and the second one is kind of showing positive impact.
Trying to be friendly and practice maximimum tolerance is hard. It needs patience.

A have a friend, she was being courted by two people and since she is confuse, she ask for advise. The other one is kind of okay but she like him more than the other who is well off. She weighs things and marry the one whom she treated well.

Also, a couple who has baby of age 3, plan to marry soon. The guy works hard, he provided the needs of the mother and child. The church plan the wedding. Later, the girl was able to work in a restaurant and have suitor. And later on just learn that she already go with the guy. I try to reach out and ask, and we had heart to heart talk, only to found out that the guy he suppose to marry is not listening and talking to him. After she wakes up, the guy just go to work and go back home and not sweet to him. I think she wants deep conversation. And the other guy she met at restaurant is showing affection, she said, the guy fetch her at work, spend time together. Now she is living in with that guy and now have a 2 year old son with that guy.

I do believe that those who have a strong married couple needs to ask this because they are the one who is knowleageable.

I have been following relationship matters ph by maricar and poon. In their, i learn to understand my family members and other people.
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby mystic » Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:24 am

I have been pondering a lot and I had an unexpected gift. I am left with maybe just a couple of big questions in life, and this gift answered one of them, opening now a new chapter in my life.
It's impossible to go into all details, but I will try to explain a few things in simple words. Most population does not really think of the matter of soulmates. They just couple, try, see, change, live their life. Some have this dream and think that a soulmate is someone who can complete us. A sort of the other side of the medal, which allows to be together one only medal. I was thinking something like that too, despite recognizing a God's part in it. This category of people thinks that the part of God is when things happen in His timing. That is, things are easy, drive us to events, accompany us in our choices, all seems smooth, perfect, as God wants. In the true, a guy being smarter and bringing flowers to the girl every night and spend time with her will just inflate her ego into thinking that it's God's gift and all is shiny and blinky.
I came to a new realization that there is another way to be soulmates, which I only slightly perceived in the past. It starts from realizing that the 2 soulmates are never identical. They have their background, previous life, formation, etc. There is certainly a degree of completing each other by the means of likeness (not difference, as the opposite side of the medal implies), but it is not limited to the couple. When a soulmate can trigger in us something that resolves important life issues that we have, which may even be external to the couple, most of the times not even realizing it or having that intention, then God kicks in, because we evolve as human beings, and therefore as a couple. A couple is never intended to be closed loop.
It's difficult to explain. A soulmate could say something that reflects an opinion, a reaction, with a certain meaning. The other soulmate might see another meaning that was not originally intended, which brightens his life. So, the former soulmate gave something that is much more than it was originally intended, which furthers one in the personal growth as an individual and in God. In my case, I realized something about the Merkava (the Chariot of God), which is a very subtle concept, but I won't enter this here.

Now, I know that psychology has some applications. In my youth, Vincenzo Monti really inspired me with his eulogy to eloquence. He was a writer in 1700, but I consider him more as a philosopher, a precursor of psychology. The art of talking and dealing with people is the ancient art of the Greek god Hermes, or Mercury. So, I can understand its usefulness.
But... it should be just a guide, a draft. If you get too immersed into it, you are just building shiny and comfortable spider nets, the net of your labels to the people. You fail to see their personality just when you try to define it. The issue is in making something "finite" (in our mind) for something that is unexpectedly infinite and a God's gift (life itself, personality).
If I go to an office and an employee treats me with psychology, I recognize at once that such a person has something not right and is talking by labels or pre-made sentences. I will feel irritated, because the person is mellow, doesn't give real and clear solutions, has no personality, is a lower level worker. That's me of course. For many it may work, as most people are, indeed, animals. Just caress and manipulate their egos, and you are fine. There is indeed the other side of the medal to psychology, which is just this. Anyway, I recognize it may still be useful, despite I feel that at a certain time one has to decide which master to serve: the net of psychology or God; being a spider or a bee. One needs to learn the historical background of psychology to realize what I am saying. Usually, nobody tells this.

Now, let's come to the interesting part. In a relation, if we use psychology, that's an issue. For one who knows, it is easy to use tricks such as the "transfer" to make the other fall in love with you. You just let the partner talk, talk, unload with you, and love, dependence, trust will come naturally. Just avoid talking and always listen. But is that real or artificial?

In a relation the soulmates need to be naked to one another, in every sense of the word. In the intimacy of body, spirit, soul, they will become one. If you put any kind of label, restriction, limit, barrier, condition... you are not into "giving mode". When you are naked, you have no excuse to avoid giving yourself to the other. There is no room here for feeling of being afraid of being hurt, or anything like that. If it is a soulmate, we don't put any barrier. We don't miss trust, we don't take things as a personal offence. Somehow, it's exactly the process of soulmates to win our barriers and limitations, and open up for God too. There is a shift in the mind and feeling when we have the soulmate experience. We are not same again toward the world.
And this is a relation that will last, because no spot is allowed to taint the relation.

Nothing is free. The best things are those for which we fight. When all seems in God's timing and perfect... maybe there is a catch. Soulmates learn to give up their ego and fight for their relation (which does not mean fight with one another, but fight to remove every barrier and hurry to communicate and solve issues).

All this is just a crumb of what I have been pondering, and not even the main thing.

"A great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice" (1 Kings 19:11-12).

God is in the small voice, so small that it is so difficult to hear it. We must really remove the wind of our feelings, the earthquake of our mind, the fire of our ego, the rage. When all that noise becomes calm... we will be able to listen to the hearts, naked in front of God. And only then, we will make the right choices in life.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:43 am

I do believe that both mother and father are responsible for the examples they left all their children. The upbringing that they gave and show to their children has greatly affected the personality of the children. As the saying goes, "what the tree is, the fruit also." Anger and bitterness that felt by a mother towards her husband is possible because of how she is being treated by the husband. From beating to yelling and being a punching bag. Whatever the reason of doing so, it is up to the parents. And these feeling can be transfered to children. Even the book of proverbs try to be careful with angry person because it is contagious. And that I learn to walk different path in life now by God's grace.

However, from the very start of creation, Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. Because of this, I realize that people has this adamic nature of weakness and negative attitude/feeling/character. In that, I learn to ask my sibling, one time, she is full of anger at heart, "is there something wrong" and say "whatever you are into or situation, I am praying for you". I learn to be more supportive and not judge. Because of this, a person become vulnerable and share deep inside his/her heart because it shows love and care.

Sharing our hearts desire/concern/problems etc. is sometimes hard. Each people have reservation even how close two people are even family members. Usually, we can share our hearts pains to someone whom we know who understand us like our close friends rather than our family. Especially when someone grow in a dysfunction family and even own father always point out that his children are no better, not smart, not good enough, and always think that his children is doing wrong even the children are doing their best to make their parents happy and the tendency is, the children cannot confide how they feel, what they need, what they desire or anything bothers them because after all parents wont be listener. Always find the fault and mistake. And no body is perfect. So sad. And so it follows then that those experience such thing has difficulty in confiding their feelings especially of being misunderstood, rejected, and most of all not being accepted.

I also realize that the personality of being meticulous person wants everything be proper in place, always have a plan before doing something, try to know each detail. However, gentle supportive people are avoiding conflict, try not to argue so no more conflict, and they are the one who try to understand as to why things is going on. The funny thing is, when this type of personality of person, when already cannot handle more pressure, they are the one who shows so much temper as explained by RM. So, it is advised that people need to encourage the gentle supportive personality person to be open and understand them. and not to judge. Yes, so much to learn. Which is why, I become aware of my family's personality and become more understanding.

On the other hand, when someone love her/his neighbor, parents, family, children, etc. how do someone back up his/her claim?
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby mystic » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:39 am

Good and evil. Building spider nets to protect us, to direct our thought so not to get hurt. Becoming fossils, living deads. Rules after rules.

The sun shines high in the sky. Despite clouds try to dim its light, they come and go, but the sun is still there.
It shines because it shines. It doesn't matter.
Below it, on the earth, every kind of beautiful things happens, but also the most horrendous crimes. Under the sun... all happens. And still it is there, imperturbable, like God.
It's duty and nature is to shine, to dry up the mud and murky waters, to warm up hearts. There is no reason, no where, no why. It's just there and you will never miss it.

Why does one become focused on the clouds instead of the sun? Why does one confuse man's nature with that of the cloud? Aren't we taught that darkness does not exist, but it is rather a limitation of light? Shouldn't we seek more light when we see it dimmed, instead on focusing and building our thoughts on the dimming?

Spiders hide in their nets, prepare the traps to let something fall on them. Then, they attack their prey with poison. They contribute nothing to the world. They are there just to trap and conduct such a life, which is static, unchangeable.

We should be like bees in the Garden of the Lord, not spiders. Bees fly, go everywhere pushed by the spirit, allow the plants to bear fruits, visit the many beautiful flowers, make honey. And they also have a sting to protect, but they rather do not use it. It is so much against their nature that they die when they use it. What animal do we want to be in the Lord's Garden? The one that produces just nets, or the one that makes the good and tasty honey? Indeed, we are called to be industrious bees in the vineyard of the Lord.

The sun is there, never changes. We should allow it to dry up the dark humors in our mind. It welcomes us with a hug and can listen to anything we have.

At the end of our journey, we don't bring all those issues in the grave with us. They all leave us. Does it make sense to keep them in our live when we are alive? Are they so important? What is really important? The only thing we will certainly miss is not having recognized this before, as well as the things that are really meaningful in life.

The same is true when there is a special person in your life. If this person can break your issues, your locks/chains, and you see them vanish or changing meaning, then you know it's special. So, it should not be of an issue to be open and share, because it is the way to know what person we have in front of us, unless it goes unnoticed.
The true is that we are here to help each other, directly or indirectly. Every soul comes from that original unique adamic soul, before it shattered with the fall. We are all a fragment of that original soul. Each fragment can help another in the restoration of the original state, though egocentric it may seem. Insights may come from the smallest thing. We have to become accustomed in seeing the message, that is the half full part of the glass. If we look at the half empty... we are mistaking. And then, we still have to go beyond that and see the glass, giving no importance whether it is full or empty. There are other uses of a glass than just holding something (such as good an evil). Hit a glass, and you may hear a sound. There are entire new worlds and horizons after we see just the glass, without adding nor subtracting from it (that is, not looking at what it holds, which is just the world of appearance).
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby Sono_gioiosa » Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:28 am

In the family, I feel that when members of the family feel that they are being loved and accepted, they become open and vulnerable. I think, sometimes we just need to understand and not to battle how they feel. I really feel that, sometimes I just smile and try to be of help. And sometimes, the best thing that I do is to say "i am praying for you" and ask them "what i can do or help them". The essence of love is sacrifice. Your time, your physical presence and even extend your talents and gifts to them. I think it also works in any relationship. I do not know how people and their approach to it. As the saying goes "Dont tey to fix anyone. Instead, open the door to a different perspective without pushing them through it". Also LOVE simplifies everything the mind makes complicated. You don't think love, you feel it. Also, I do believe that to love anyone is not to compete with them but to win them even in the family relationship or any relationship. And that is what I am doing and showing love to my family.
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:53 pm

Although I did not respond to this posting until now, I have had some experience with someone who had schizophrenia. She was my wife.
It happened a very long time ago, and time has healed me from my sadness from this experience.

My wife started telling me that someone was out to kill us, and she was afraid. She was confused as to who or why, but she persisted in her delusion. But at that time, I did not know it was a delusion because she seemed so sure of the fact that someone was out to kill us, and especially me. Later on I found out that she was having an affair with a coworker of mine, and her fear may have been the truth. I don't know for sure.

Finally her fears got so severe that she convinced me that she had to get out of town. We lived in Austin, Texas at the time, and her family lived in San Antonio, Texas. So I sent her to stay with her Mom and her siblings in San Antonio. I started getting rid of all of our furniture and bigger possessions, and had plans on moving to California where nobody knew us, and nobody could find us so that she would then feel safe again. I did not recognize her mental illness.

After being in San Antonio a few days, she went to the emergency room of a hospital there, and told them that she had been poisoned. After examinations, they diagnosed her as a schizophrenic, and they had her committed to the state mental institution. Upon arrival there, they determined that she was a paranoid schizophrenic. They allowed her to make and receive phone calls, so we were able to talk daily. This was before cell phones were invented, so we talked over a landline. She was so upset that she was there, and pleaded with me to get her out. I had an attorney in Austin who I had done work for, and his wife was a psychotherapist, so I asked him for advice and help. He arranged for an attorney he knew in San Antonio to take the case, and he got her out of the institution with a writ of habeas corpus, which is a writ requiring a person under arrest/confinement to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention. he got her released, and then he took her back to her Mother's house.

I told her Mother to not let her use the car or be left alone under any circumstances. My attorney's wife knew a therapist in San Antonio, and my wife started seeing him 3 times a week. This went on for about 12 days, and then she asked her Mother to let her use her car to go to the store, and sure enough, her Mom gave her the keys. She went to a pawn shop and sold her gold ring and watch and bought a 22 caliper pistol. I guess the pawn clerk gave her some bullets as well. She went out to the car, and she killed herself in that parking lot. The therapist she was seeing in San Antonio said he saw no signs that she wanted to hurt herself. But she did.

That day changed my life dramatically.
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Re: Multiple Personality People

Postby Jerry » Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:48 pm

Schizophrenia greatly caused by chemical imbalance in the brain due to lack of nutrition or food intake. It is a mental illness which heavily caused by emotional instability. Mostly, women are greatly affected by schizophrenia due to fear, stress, problems mainly family or work related challenges. Women are emotional in nature and struggle with it. Most likely they are the one who suffers from this type of mental illness. And the fact that they are the victim of such illness a positive emotion is necessary for women to experience like support system, encouragement, comfort and a feeling of security are vital for women to feel being loved. Men has greatly big factor in dealing with this type of insanity women undergo in life.
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