ms.sin17 wrote:I have a fever tOday. I feel sO weak. What dO yOu think the best way I can dO tO recOver earLy? I want tO recOver earLy. SOmetimes I cry because Of the muscLe pains.. This is due tO the cLimate change. I cant bring umbrella sOmetimes sO I get wet when its raining and after that the sun wOuLd just shOw up..
Hello. I feel sorry about your health status but me too got cold and cough for a while because of climate change. But don't worry about it. It is a sign that your immune system is in combat to the point that you had a fever. Having a cough for a day or two and cold is a sign that your immune system is working hard to expel bacteria and toxins from your body. When i have a cold, i don't take medicine because it suppresses our immune system. I would recommend to drink luke warm lemon juice. Refrain from eating ripe mango because it will make you worst if you have a cough but if you don't have, then ripe mangp is great. If your flu persist after 5 days or a week, please consult the nearest physician you have in your community. Please drink more water, at least 8 glasses a day.I recommend to drink at least two glasses of water when you wake up in the morning. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits so that you can recover as possible.Okay i will try to post some health tips as soon as possible.