would it be possible for ex lovers to be friends?

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Re: would it be possible for ex lovers to be friends?

Postby angel » Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:57 pm

Women, men, boyfriends, girlfriends, family members, relationship experts, and talking heads all disagree on whether former lovers can ever truly be friends after a relationship. Opinions are, apparently, split almost evenly: a 2004 NBC poll found about 48% of respondents remained friends with their ex after a relationship. To some, friendship with an ex is natural. To others, it's a fool's errand and an invitation for further heartbreak. Your success will depend on your individual personalities.
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Re: would it be possible for ex lovers to be friends?

Postby wayne208 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:10 am

I see what You are saying as I sure as Heck am Not friends with My Ex Wife . But I am Friends With Most of My Ex G/F's .. I guess ex wife's fall into a Different Category ? :)
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Re: would it be possible for ex lovers to be friends?

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:09 pm

I have tried to remain on a friendly basis with my ex-wife although she has made that a difficult thing to do! :lol:

She is definitely not a friend, and I only communicate with her when it is absolutely necessary. We do have a daughter, and we have two adopted who are her deceased sister's children. Those 2 are closer to me than to her, and they have her bloodlines. All of the kids are no longer kids...all are grown, and the 2 adopted have children of their own.
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Re: would it be possible for ex lovers to be friends?

Postby cheryz » Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:17 pm

at first not but after moving on my ex and i, we make friends again for 7 years no communication but not too close friends that seeing each other more often. at first we chat but now he knows i have a son he try not to communicate with me. but still were friends :D
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