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looking for my true love,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:23 pm
by robertlower
Name: Robert
Gender: male
Age: 63
Country of Residence : USA
State/City: Tennessee
Nationality: USA
Language Spoken: English
Education: Vocational college
Occupation: Tell you later
Marital Status: Divorced Religion: Christian - Catholic
Has Children: no
Zodiac: VIRGO
Height: 5 ft 6 in
Weight: 170 lb
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Grey
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink?: no
Report Abuse

Self Description
i our my house in memphis ten,i do not live memphis i live in the
shebly counrty,that no rent just pay taxs on house,ok girl you want what you
think is a rice man here,we do not have they any more,they lose they
jop,they above to lose they house,they aready lose they wife,she never love
him just his money,so girls you better make shouch this is on the up and up
and not just trying used you to save everything he have,i tell i not
rich,but the lord put us on this earth with nothing and when died i going
the same way i came here with nothing,you can not buy your way into heaven
,that way i do not go to church,they are not to lie to you but that all the
church does you to gave me to the church so they help the poor,that any
lie,i have never see any church help the poor,i do help the poor,god know i
do,i can not and will not try to buy way into heaven,you do that you only
going to hell,ok they are 4 poeple here,3 on ssi and sue dather
get nothing,i used my money to help every one here,that don't say a promise
then u can't do,ok this get to me,i never promise any girl anything i can
not keep that lieing,we are to never lie,try to get the dam guy to keeep
they promisa it nothing they,just something to get you in bed and gave the
kid you have now,i can only bring one girl to the usa ,i can promisa i will
asker every mail some write me,my last promisa to this world is i will take
some girl to heaven with me,i have no ? yet ,,i want to talk to every one
and try find who ready want me,every promise i make here i will keep i can
not lie,my word is my promise to you i can not broken it,so i never make a
promise i can not keep that the biggest lie you can tell a girl,and i never
broken my word robert lower ,

Interested in
Music, Nature, Movies or Cinema, Travel/Sightseeing

Looking for...
woman Age 18 to 50 for marriage
breavery to me,is being 63 a guy not support to cry at all,but when i get this
from you 2 girls i start to cry,i crying now,ok it very hard to write all the
dam water in eyes,cynthia i have no who you was,i just know lady gaga is a dam
good singer any she is what the world need now,we need someone that has the
bravery come out of the shadows and step to the front,mayve your dather is what
world need now,someone with the power to here,just need someone to step up and
help her in her couse, to help all the homeless and all the gay and lisb kids,my
bother died from aids 15 years ago,i a veitnam vet,when i was in veitnam doing
1969 i have girl frined we could not sheep with are girl at night they was afied
the viecam would come in the night and kill everybody in the house,on my way
back to my base,i get ready sick,i was died if i do not get back to her house,i
get to her door,it was real bravery on her part and the 2 other girls to let me
back in,and somehow hearth me with no mecine, bravery is to me,rishing your
life to save 2 girls from drunking in deep water,i save both girls never talk
anybody above this until now ok to the point i start all this,bravery is ready
caring above any kids you left in vietnam,i do but nobody ease does,i try to
find any kid i left there and bring there back to the usa,i never have any kids
in my last 3 marriages,so this my be the onky kid i have left on this world,the
usa does not want the kids we need in vietnam and vietnam does not want they,the
usa need the bravery to bring all the kids we left behing,lady gage it was my ?
to go vietnam do a concon they to help all the homeless kids we left there,i
just thing it may help the vietnam war baby we left there and help all the kids
in world we can help,i do not know you want do this in just the usa or the whole
world,i think you help the most is we couyld do it all over the world,ok one
more thing back in 2000 i have a penpal that is in a wheelchair,nobody have
take the time to see her,it was bravery on my part to go to yountown ohio in the
dead of winter to see her,i stay with her for 2 weeks,show her the love she need
that nobody would gave her,i went back to memphis and ather 2 weeks of talking
on the phono i went back yountown to get sue,they have show how to take care of
her,it was real beavery on my part to every try this,she been here for 10 years
now,if i do not go and get her she would be in heaven now,i stop her from
drinking,used to go to the bar every night,it real breavery on my part to retite
from my work to stay home and just take care of her,her frist love lost his
wife,she stay love him,it was beavery of me to let my only love go bavk to joe
the guy she marriage before before and have furesta,it was beavery on sue part
to have furesta,they tell her she could died if she have a baby,she went and
have furesta,it was beavery on my part to let sue and joe and furesta back into
my house, this whole thing is way past anything i could dream i could do,it
ready breavery of me to ever try to do this,thank god gave me the breavery to
write all this

Re: looking for my true love,

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:07 am
by crisipicada
"True love" is hard to find, because someone can lie over the internet. I believe, it should start from ourselves, it should be in our hearts to truly love. To truly love, we must have the love at heart. God is love, thus, we must have God in our hearts to truly love someone. As much as love is concern, love will always be ended happiness and joy even despite sufferings. Since joy is not the absence of trouble or suffering, but the presence of God.

To truly love someone is to desire what is good to the beloved. To truly love someone is to be with her/him and helping without in return. To truly love someone is to love unconditionally despite physical problems. To truly love someone is to help someone grow is his/her spiritual life. To truly love someone is to help someone grow in character and attitude. TO truly love someone is to help him/her in Christ. Thus, true love never sees the bad things but always the good things. Thus, true love is always faithful and sweet despite and everything in life. That is true love. Thus, possess these - for love begets love - you will find your true love, indeed. :D :D :D

Re: looking for my true love,

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:02 am
by Edwin
I Corinthians 13: is the place to look for a description of true love. Crisi is right on track with her description of true love. True love is selfless and is God's love. True love does give with no thought of receiving a return. We are to do good things for those who are not able to return the favors, and then God will reward us. We are to do those things as if we were doing them to God, or for God. We are to invite someone to dinner that we prepare, when that someone is not capable of paying us back. True love is not self seeking. The person with true love does not toot their own horn. The loving person is not boastful. The loving person seeks for the best and hopes for the best for the other person. True love wants what is best for the other person. The person with true love wants God's best for the other person. Yes, true love wants to encourage the other person spiritually to become close to God. True love builds the other person up and does not tear them down. God's love is true love, and if we are going to have true love we need to be close to God and be like Him. :D :D :D :D