What are yOur pLans this cOming V-Day? Are yOu having a date with sOmeOne? a bf/gf? friends? famiLy? Oh well, Let me share tO yOu my pLans this VaLentines Day..
VaLentines Day is On Sunday. Well, I will gO tO Our meeting hall [that means church] as I aLways dO, i think there is nOthing reaLLy special will happen tO me On that day.. [i just hOpe, there wOuLd really happen that is special On that day! ] After gOing tO church, I think me and my famiLy will gO tO Our hOuse afterwards.. Just Like the past years, there is nOthing very special happened tO me..
Though I am singLe in VaLentines Day, Im nOt that sad cause Im still happy withOut a bOyfriend, as LOng as my LOved Ones are aLL heaLthy and Our feLLOwship with the LOrd is Ok then I wOuLd have nOthing tO ask fOr!
Feel free tO share sOmething On these tOpic! What`s yOur pLan and what can yOu say abOut the tOpic!