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Re: No Children

Postby Smiley » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:29 pm

Children are a wonderful blessing. Having said that I have to state that I do not wish to father any more of them. There are increased risk of birth defects when one or both parents are older.You can father a child after 50 but if there is a problem the child has to pay the price for my folly.Then there is the increased chance of dying before you are done raising the child. I know that there are no guarantees here,young fathers die too and with my health and genetics I could live another 30 or more years. It would be selfish of me to bring an at-risk life into this world just to please my ego.
I love kids and I think that I am pretty good Dad material. Most women wish for and hope to have kids,it would also be selfish of me to expect them to abandon their dreams of fulfillment just because Im an older guy. I don`t see myself as a selfish guy.
There are a lot of worthy ladies with kids. Just having a child can make such a woman very unattractive to a lot of guys when it can be,in fact,a true match made in heaven.I`m not really searching for an 'instant family' but a kid would not scare me away either.
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Re: No Children

Postby Edwin » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:46 am

We had a little Native American Indian boy from the time he was just a few weeks old. We had him off and on until he was a big kid. His mother loved him, but she didn't always want to be saddled with the responsibility to take care of him. He was just like our boy and lived with us for long periods of time. There was some hurt also as his mother would want him back, then she would want him to stay with us, and it hurt him as well as making life difficult for us at times as well. We saw that he went to church as much as we could get him there. Now that he is a grown man he pays no attention to us anymore, but he still loves us, and I know that he appreciates what we did for him. He is from a culture that does not always make good decisions, and that puts them in harms way. We still pray for him often and trust that God will bring him to Himself. We had him complete Bible correspondence courses when he was little, so he has a good Christian knowledge and foundation. We just pray that God will draw him with his Holy Spirit, and that he will desire to do what God wants and return to Him. :D :D :D :D
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Re: No Children

Postby crisipicada » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:47 am

children are gifts from God. It is not good not to have children especially when you are single and just looking for a wife? For what? Go to the world and multiply. :D :D :D :D :D That is the command from the word of God.
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Re: No Children

Postby red » Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:00 am

Some men prefer not to have kids because some of them already have in their previous marriage. And some don't like to have kids because of their age. They are too old to have kids and if they do they are old enough to be called "grampa" ha ha! And some don't because having babies are expensive especially if they are going to marry a Filipina and take her to America, etc. Some don't because they don't like kids. Too bad they missed the joy of having precious angels and monsters. ;)
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Re: No Children

Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:10 am

Yes, Crisi, you are right in that Children are gifts from God. You are also right in that God commanded to be fruitful, multiply, and repentish the earth. I think God wants people to have children. Red, you are right in that for some children seem to bring complications. But, I love children, God loves children, and all of us should love children. You are right Red, the ones who do not have angels or monsters are missing something important in their lives! :D :D :D :D
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Re: No Children

Postby red » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:15 pm

Oh gosh, I get all of joy and fun with children. Even mine alone, love kids alot. So I cherished everyday moments I am with them because when they grow up it will be different. Each of them are unique so it is just amazing dealing with their characters everyday. Praise God :D
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Re: No Children

Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:42 pm

There was a popular television program, and I think Art Linkletter was the person who did the show. The name of the show was "Kids Say the Darndest Things." Anyone remember that? They would get kids on the show and ask them questions. Many of those kids would just come out with the cutest things. They have no inhibitions, and they just say whatever is on their minds. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: No Children

Postby red » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:59 pm

I will share here some kinda darn embarrassing my daughters had said.
One time we were eating mallows I said to them not to eat a lot because its not healthy always sweets, it can get you fat. Then my eldest asked why daddy is fat. I told her because daddy eats a lot and also sweets. Her daddy heard it over the phone then he told our eldest that i said he is still sexy even he is fat. Then my eldest turn around and asked me "did you really say that mommy?" I said what? She said "that you tell daddy he is sexy? I said yes. My eldest respond was "Oh boy".
Also one morning I changed my pj's thought the girls still sleeping. MY eldest suddenly told her little sister " Amber, don't look its gross!" I asked what's gross? She said your body mommy ewww...
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Re: No Children

Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:00 pm

That is funny, Red! The kids don't miss too much, and they are ready to say about anything. They are so innocent that they don't see why we should have embarrassment from what they say. Your older daughter was not sure what to think about her daddy being sexy even though fat, huh? Your daughter was not accustomed to seeing you changing your pj's and it was a shock, huh? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: No Children

Postby red » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:19 pm

I thought it was awful lol. My eldest knows what sexy by physical. To her sexy is slim and wearing pretty clothes and accessories. She likes this show High School Musical. Her favorite on that movie is Sharpay and Gabriella. To her being fabulous is sexy too. lol
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