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Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:06 am

Sleeping is very important, unless you are sleeping in class or on the job! When you sleep is when you burn fat in your body, so if you are depriving yourself of sleep you are adding fat to your body! Different people require different amounts of sleep. I don't require the amount of sleep that I did when I was younger. Sleep improves your memory. If you are attending classes it is important for you to sleep to be able to remember information. Sleep improves your mood as well. If you are tired, you are probably in a bad mood as well. You can't have sweet dreams unless you sleep, so get some sleep! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D
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Re: Sleeping

Postby red » Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:10 am

And that's me when I am lack of sleep you better be careful. :)
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Re: Sleeping

Postby red » Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:02 am

Thanks for the information about sleeping, Sir Ed. I did not know that sleeping burn fats. No wonder I gained weight when I am lacking of sleep recently. I was wondering why I gained weight when I did not get more sleep. From now on I better sleep early and take some naps.
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Re: Sleeping

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:46 pm

Yes, that is true, Red, when you are exercising vigorously you burn mostly carbohydrates first of all, and then you burn a little fat after the carbs are depleted, but when you are resting, or sleeping you are primarily burning fat. I didn't think about that until I took my latest nutrition class, and in it the information was that when people deprive themselves of sleep they put on belly fat. Also when you get into fight or flight states you put on belly fat also. So don't get upset for no reason, because the result is added belly fat. When happens is that when you are upset, stired up, frustated, adreneline dumps glucose into your bloodstream. In the old days you were running from a lion that was chasing you and you burned that glucose, but now there is not lion chasing you, so all that blood sugar, instead of getting burned with hard running, or physical fighting, that blood sugar goes right to your stomach in the form of fat. So stay calm and cool, and you will be much better off! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: Sleeping

Postby Smiley » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:15 am

Sleep sounds so good I think I`ll go get me some right now!
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Re: Sleeping

Postby Edwin » Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:53 pm

I can get my hours turned around really easily by staying up later and later, and getting up later and later in the morning, unless I make a conscious effort to prevent that. My older brother is the same, and I think that is where I got it, because I worked for him for a number of years. I could easily get ready for Philippine time just by doing that. My wife and our twins are not that way; they are morning people; they go to bed early and get up early, except because of Carol's health she doesn't get up early and she sleeps a lot during the day. The younger sister is like me, but she has had to work enough that she goes to bed early especially when she needs to get up. My Dad told me that he always made a habit of going to bed on time, and that way he told me that he can get up any time he wants to, and he was telling me that I should do the same. I like to make more out of my life, and that means living more hours without sleeping, but I have discovered that in order to be healthy and happy you have to get your rest, and that means going to bed when you need to, and especially when you need to get up early in the morning. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise!" :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sleeping

Postby Edwin » Tue May 01, 2012 7:30 pm

I found an article in Yahoo News about the relationship between sleep and weight loss. Here it is:

Sleep More, Weigh Less
By Margaret Furtado, M.S., R.D.
Jun 02, 2009

You might have read that lack of sleep could be a factor if you're gaining weight—but is this really true?
Researchers have indeed found that sleep deprivation can throw hunger hormones out of kilter, increasing one called ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, and decreasing levels of a "weight friendly" hormone called leptin, which suppresses appetite. Ghrelin is produced in the stomach for hours after a meal, continuing to promote hunger. Conversely, leptin is produced in the fat cells and promotes a feeling of fullness or satiety.
Scientists at the University of Wisconsin and at Stanford University tracked over 1.000 people, ages 30 to 60, administering blood and sleep tests to them every 4 years. Their findings: Subjects who typically slept 5 hours a night had 14.9 percent more ghrelin production in their stomachs than did those who slept 8 hours. People in the study who slept less than 7.7 hours a night also had slightly higher body mass indexes (BMIs).
According to the National Sleep Foundation, 63 percent of Americans don't get the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night. And since approximately 65 percent of Americans have issues with overweight and obesity, perhaps sleep deprivation could be associated with some of that weight gain. And here's another possible link: overweight people have a significantly higher incidence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder that is also associated with higher weight.
One study from Columbia University that looked at the sleep patterns and obesity rates of over 6,000 people found that people who slept only 2 to 4 hours a night were 73 percent more likely to have issues with obesity than those who slept 7 to 9 hours; that those who got about 5 hours of sleep were 50 percent more likely to be obese than were those who got 7 to 9 hours; and that people who slept roughly 6 hours a night were 23 percent more likely to have problems with obesity.
Factors that may disrupt sleep
• Research has shown that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) not only can disrupt sleep significantly (including REM, or active dream sleep), but can also skew hunger hormones, increasing levels of hunger-inducing ghrelin.
• Alcohol has also been reported to disrupt REM sleep, and it increases levels of hunger hormones upon waking, a combination that is not weight friendly (never mind all the calories in alcoholic drinks).
• Night-shift workers, who are known to have sleep-cycle disturbances and alterations, have consistently been found to be heavier than their daytime colleagues.
If you're eating a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity but are still having trouble with your weight, take notice of whether you're getting enough sleep—you might be missing out on the important link between lost sleep and increased hunger pangs. And if you're dealing with increased weight and your significant other says you snore, or you're waking up exhausted every morning, talk to your doctor about the possibility of having a sleep study to rule out OSA.
No matter what your weight, see if you might need more sleep. A good rule is to "catch up" on your sleep in the early part of a vacation and then, after the first few days, notice how much sleep your body actually seems to need. Try to get that optimal amount every night during the rest of your days off and see how you feel.
Good sleep hygiene also involves not stimulating your brain right before bedtime (news and crime shows can shift your brain into overdrive). Also, try to relax within an hour of going to bed, perhaps with a warm bath or a calming book.
Sleep well, my dear readers!
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Re: Sleeping

Postby red » Wed May 02, 2012 2:20 am

Having hard time sleeping lately. Always staying up late night. If i sleep early can't sleep sooner. Hard to nap at daytime. But there's one thing works, watch a boring show and makes me sleep deep awhile. lol
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Re: Sleeping

Postby Edwin » Wed May 02, 2012 3:37 pm

Yes, Red, sleeping is a problem for many people. There are many things that interfer with a person's sleep. Often times pressure is put on us to do more than we are able to, and then we stay up late to try to accomplish what we need to. Yes, Red, read a boring book, or watch a boring show, and you will be asleep in no time. I usually have no trouble sleeping. When I was taking classes in college I would often go short on sleep to try to get things done, but losing sleep often ends up costing us, and many times it is not worth it. The Bible says that it is vain to sit up late, rise up early, and eat the bread of sorrows. If we can eat right, exercise, and get our sleep we will be much better for it. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Sleeping

Postby red » Fri May 04, 2012 4:13 pm

Yes i agree on that. i get sleepy when bored like sometimes at church lol.
i quit watching movies late night so can sleep early and stay healthy.
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