Moderator: youngj
crisipicada wrote:I find it interesting topic, and I appreciate your comments, guys! Thank you.
I still believe that God guides us in many circumstances. As we ask for guidance, God will show us the way and lead us to the path what we desire as He is pleased. Okay, I understand your opinions. I know that it would be hard to make statement you cannot live with. Saying "I love you" is very meaningful to me and I am very careful about it. I have many regrets in life that I say something wrong out of bitterness and hurt people in the process. But I am very much happy that there are a lot of people who widen their understanding and just leave no commit about the damage that has been done. Just like we make hurting words, and just ask you to pray because your not in the right attitude. I am thankful for people who are very much understanding.
Okay, for me, it is not hard to say "I love you" to the person when the one you are looking for is what God has shown to you. Just like many Bible character. Anyone read about Rachel? When he was digging water for camel? I think it is Laban who prayed exactly for a wife and for direction. He never knew who will be his wife and they never knew each other for a long time, but God show him the way. God will always direct us to whom we may marry.
Okay, for me, it is okay if the guy will tell me that he loves me or been praying for me or found me as I am the one. THis is what I am doing. I talk to God also about the guy and if he is really the one and let me show the way. The path may be so hard and many hindrances but I believe it is just test for me or him. So, what i am always saying, if you are looking for the right person, consider also to be the right one. Maybe you are not right for him/her even he/she is right for you.
crisipicada wrote:It is hard to say something that you are emotional high or emotionally low. I mean, it is not wise to decide things out of unstable emotions. I believe it will end up wrong.
If I like someone, I usually consult people who are mature spiritually and emotionally and mentally. Like my sister, I always tell my sister Cai that, I like someone. I like her because she will always say, "you must pray" and ask guidance from the Lord. I like that wisdom. She said, too much too soon. Do not make things in a hurry but put things in proper time. I also consider that if I said "I love that person " that means you are committed to him/her no matter what.
While if you fully know the person, his/her ways, attitude, character, you will have a greater understanding to that person. My sister Cai is married to a Pastor. Her husband courted her for over a year. I must say, my sister Cai was the strictest person I have met. While Pastor Edsel been courting her, he fully understood my sister and then even there are trials along the way, my brod in law is very much understanding to her. And mind you, my sister was and is change 180degrees from her attitude and character that I have known when she got married to a Pastor. It is because her husband is very much mature to teach her about the word of God. Indeed, God's Word changes heart of the people.
Why sharing this? Because I believe that if you say someone, it must back up with commitment and sincerity. I know that would be hard to do.God will always work in us in different circumstances. As long as we fully commit to God, we will never regret and that is my desire in life as to the will of God.
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