What Kind of a Person Are You?

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What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:00 pm

Physically I am 6 feet tall. My brother used to cut my hair when I was growing up, and he told me that I had the thickest head of hair he had seen. Well, now at 66 years old if my hair doesn't lay just right you can see parts of my scalp. I still look like I have a full head of hair just after I wash it and comb it, but it is getting thinner. When I see a picture of the back of my head I am amazed that there is so little hair there! :o My hair is pretty much grey; a mixture of what used to be almost black and white, giving it a grey appearance. For a long time I thought I weighed 10 pounds less than what I do because the scales I was using read 10 pounds too light. My oldest grandson brought some scales home to our daughter's house by Spokane, and I told him they were weighing 10 pounds too heavy. He asked my why I thought they were weighing 10 pounds too heavy. Well, I got weighed at the doctor, and guess what? His scales are correct, and I weigh 10 pounds more than I thought I did. The last weighing at the doctor's office I weigh 181 pounds. I'm not crying about that because they say muscles weigh more than fat, and I walk 6.5 miles every day, and while I do have just a little fat on the stomach, I am pretty much straight up and down. I do have just a slight bit of Native American blood in me, so I am not a white man, and neither am I a black, yellow, or red man. I am slightly darker than white, but nothing more, resulting in my race mixture. My Dad said that he didn't want any of his kids to marry a black person or an Indian, but he did. My mother showed her Indian blood more than some. I am a healthy person. I take care of myself; I eat right thanks to Carol's help, and I get more exercise than I ever have in my life; intentional exercise anyway. I have always been an ambitious person, so I have natural been fairly active most of my life. I am now realizing the importance of diet and exercise more than ever in my life, due to nutrition classes I have taken. I am a busy person. I am doing something all the time until I become fatigued, and then I rest a little while and resume my activities. I believe in getting a good night's rest every night. The Bible says in Psalms 127:2; "It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, and to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. 3; Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." I have stayed up late and gotten up early to meet deadllines, but it was against my better judgement, and I was happy when i could resume my regular sleeping pattern again. When I was taking classes it seemed like I always needed to put more time into the classes than what I had, so I just stayed up reading until I felt the need to retire, and then I simply fell into bed, and it always worked out for me.
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:18 pm

I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I can't live the way many people do and do the things that many people do because of my faith in God and my love for Him. I have a strong desire to see my family, friends, neighbors, and all people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. I wish all people would find Him as their savior and live for Him. I am a happy person. I take no medications for anything, and I am thankful to the Lord for my good health. This the Lord has blessed me with. I am not a wealthy person, but I am stong and healthy. I am easy going for the most part, but I can become stressed when things are not going well. In the past I have become angry, and I have done things and said things that I lived to regret. I have had to seek the Lord to help me not to do those things. I am a sensitive person, and it is easy for me to get my feelings hurt, and then I react if I am not careful. I am trying to do better that way. I also have to let the Lord help me to not hold grudges and to be forgiving to people that I feel have done me wrong. I am a loving person, and I like to be loved as well. Carol takes good care of me, and she loves me. There are more things I could say, but I have probably said enough. Maybe you would like to share what kind of a person you are, if you would like. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 07, 2012 6:38 pm

This is what I am as what I have observed and what people say about me that I am;

1. Shy type and do not talk a lot when we first met in person.
2. Simple and contented what I have.
3. I am staying home more while there is no work done
4. I am soft spoken person and show sympathy.
5. I am emotional and easily cry when things go wrong.
6. I love to work house chores and planting flowers and fruit trees.
7. I do not have women's apparel - not into fads and fades.
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 07, 2012 9:42 pm

crisipicada wrote:This is what I am as what I have observed and what people say about me that I am;

1. Shy type and do not talk a lot when we first met in person.

This is normal for many people until they get to know other people well enough to feel comfortable. This goes two ways. Other people don't know me well enough at first to realize the kind of person I am, so they are not at ease as much as they should be. Once you know someone and they know you then you can relax and be yourself more easily. :D :D

2. Simple and contented what I have.

This is a very positive thing to be simple and contented with what you have. Not too many people are able to be contented with what they have. Especially where we live, people often want more, and more, and more, and they don't enjoy what they have. :roll: :roll:

3. I am staying home more while there is no work done

Home is a good place to be. You have your own things around you, and you can be busy with what you want, or relax without feeling guilty. I love home. It is fun to go visit away from home, but it is also a lot of fun to return and be at home! :D :D

4. I am soft spoken person and show sympathy.

To be soft spoken is very good. The Bible says that a soft answer turneth away wrath. To show sympathy is a gift. Many people need a listening ear and a sympathetic heart. :D :D

5. I am emotional and easily cry when things go wrong.

You are human, and you are alive. We are emotional beings, and some more than others. There is nothing wrong with crying and being emotional. It is perfectly logical to cry when things go wrong, or cry when God moves on our hearts. You are healthy when you can allow expression, rather than repress your feelings! :D :D

6. I love to work house chores and planting flowers and fruit trees.

Planting flowers and fruit trees gives you pleasure in seeing things grow, and that is good. Loving to do things that need to be done is a great asset! :D :D

7. I do not have women's apparel - not into fads and fades.

I take it you are saying that you don't care to keep up with the latest styles? Some of those styles come and go, and in a certain number of years what was in style then will be in style again. :D :D
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby red » Tue May 08, 2012 1:00 am

i am God fearing.
i like foods so i like to eat guess im so stressful nowadays.
i like to collect purses.
my favorite accessories are earrings and bracelet or bangles.
i like to watch movies.
i like cleaning hpuse when everybody out. so when i clean leave me alone.
my family is my pride and joy.
im a papa's girl.
i like to be involved in church ministry.
my bestfriend is my husband(ka chika ka tsismisan)
i dont like wearing dress only wear them on special occassion.
i like clean cr/bathroom.
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 1:32 am

That is a great list, Red! Collecting purses; you are like Carol, she likes that too! Carol was watching the Titanic this evening, but she stopped and said it made her nervous to watch it! I worked around noise, sawmills, tractors, combines, hay machines, until I don't even like to hear the vacumn cleaner running, so I get out of Carol's way when she is running the vacumn cleaner! Family is important! Carol loved her Dad. Her mother died when she was a senior in high school, and she only saw her mother one time in her growing up years, and that was sad, but she did have her Dad off and on, and mostly at a distance. Church is our life too. We live far enough away so that we only get there once a week, but it is important. Carol and I are best friends with each other too. We have our differences, but we love each other, and after 44 years! Carol does not like wearing dresses either, and it has been a long time since I or anyone else has seen her in a dress! Carol likes a clean bathroom also. I do as well, but my bathroom has never been worked on, and it is still trashed from the people who owned this house before we did. I have plans to renew it though as I did Carol's bathroom. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby red » Tue May 08, 2012 3:43 am

wow im amazed that me and carol have same likes and character. im happy though. wow great huh.
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 9:47 am

Yes, that is amazing that you are so much alike! You both must be good people! Yes, that is something to be happy about. Carol is a good person, and so are you! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Smiley » Wed May 09, 2012 8:30 am

Nobody in my family is small.
My mothers family came from Rotterdam about 100 years ago,pure Dutch. My dads father was German descent with a little Mohawk in there.He married a tiny Irish lady and they had big kids.In his prime,I think my grandfather was 6'3" which was pretty big for a guy born in 1885.My dad was the runt at 6'1",his oldest brother was 6'5".
Growing up,we had 3 girls and 3 boys.Thankfully none of the girls were over 6 feet. The 3 boys were my older brother at 6'2",me at 6'4" and my younger brother at 6'6". My brothers and I all look like brothers.We are all very healthy and fit.
I`m 59 now and can still outwork guys half my age(doesn`t mean I want to :lol: )Most people that know me are surprised to find out my age.
My youngest kid is my only boy. He is a lot taller than me. He is profoundly autistic,no verbal capabilities at all. He is pretty charming in his own way. Of my 3 monkeys he was the smallest baby at 9pounds 2oz. My 2nd daughter was the biggest at a half ounce shy of 13pounds. 27 3/4 inches long.
I still have all of my hair, a couple years ago,when I was raising my son by myself,and caring for my dad ,who had Alzheimers,my older girl was diagnosed with cancer. Thats the year my hair went from dark brown to mostly grey. Just recently my ex girlfriend who still cuts my hair noticed that it is getting brown again.It will be interesting to see how far this goes.
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Re: What Kind of a Person Are You?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 09, 2012 3:10 pm

My Mom and Dad were both short. Dad was the shortest one in his family. He was strong though, much stronger than I ever was. He could pick up a 55 gallon drum of gasoline, and set it in the back of a pickup truck by hand, and I could never do that. He didn't do that in his later life, but I talked to people who told me that they had seen him do that. He played a violin in his younger years, but by the time I was a little guy his fingers and hands had arthritis so that he couldn't play. I heard him play his violin one time when I was little. His Dad was tall, relatively speaking, and my Mom's Dad was short, her mother was relatively tall. I am 6 feet tall, and my brother is just a little taller than I am. My younger sister is 5 feet 4 inches or something like that, and my older sister was 4 feet 10 inches before she started shrinking. She is about 78 years old, so I think she is a little shorter than that now. You, Smiley are mostly Dutch and German with a little Mohawk, but I am a duke's mixture. My predominate ones are Scottish and Indian, and I am the same amount of both of them, but not even very much of either of them, just heritage. I am one sixteenth of each Indian and Scottish, and then I have so many others that I don't know any blood percentages for any of the others. Heart problems and stokes run in my Dad's family. Some died young, but the ones who lived past 50 years old died of heart disease problems. The ones who didn't die of accidents on the Mom's side of the family lived a long time. One of her brother, the oldest, died when he was 60 years old of a heart attack. He was a career military man, some rank of a major in the marines. I think he was in the Philippines during WWII as well. After retirement he worked as a security guard around Seattle, and he also had a pig farm near Seattle, and lived in Seattle. My grandfather had a full head of hair when he died as an old guy, but it was white. My Dad's hair was pretty thin, but it mosty covered his head. He made jokes about my Mom pulling it out! I do have a thin spot on the top back of my head. I think I have a full head of hair until I see the back in the mirror or see a picture of the back of my head! I had a great grandmother who was obese, but most of the rest of my relatives are nicely built to thin, to very thin! I am nicely built, but my older brother doesn't have much more than a skeleton! Well, maybe a little more, but he is very thin, too thin actually. The Lord has blessed me with good health. I take no medications for anything. I am healthy and happy. I have had my tonsils out when I was 7 years old. I had a growth cut out of my finger when I was 14 years old. I broke my wrist on a horse accident when I was 21 years old. I had 2 hernias repaired in the 1990s. Then I had a TUPR procedure, surgery on my prostate gland in 2004 because it was growing too large. The docor tells me that I may need that done again, but I hope and pray not, but if so then that is the way it is. :D :D :D :D
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