Red, so the man said to the girl, I have tried this other girl, and she doesn't hold a candle to you. I want you back, and I think we are a perfect couple. I didn't know what I had with you until I tried this other girl, and now I know that you are the best! I don't think I can live without you! Do I sound persuasive? Okay, I know what you mean, Red, I think if the man left the lady for another lady then the confidence and trust would be broken, and if he would do it once, would he do it again? What if another lady caught his eye, would he go after her too, and then later when he got tired of her, would he be back for a second round, or third round with the first? Carol worked with a lady who is in this same situation, and she would take him back in a minute. They were married for many years, and have grown and married children. He found another, and he is still taken with her, I guess. I don't understand it myself, but she is devestated and just wants him back however she could get him back. It was love on her part, but he found another, and it is sad!