wantingmore wrote:What if your boyfriend find another woman? Later he found out they are not meant for each other? Then later on decided to go back to you? Will there be a chance for you to accept him?
Well Wantingmore. I think this is one of the hardest questions any one in the world will ever have to answer. I will tell you that I was the worst person in the world for my Lord Jesus. Many times I have left him for some one else (sin) and he has always accepted me back. If I have been forgiven so much, so I really tend to desire SO much to forgive others.... Only, some times I cannot.
My ex began contacting other men while we were still together. I was able to forgive her, but in the end it did not work, because the cheating was part of her soul, not just a mistake.
So I would say it depends on if he is truly "repentant" like what Jesus requires from us. Does he truly hate what he has done and vows to never go there again? Does he TRULY mean this? It is SO hard to know this for certain. After all, you believed him the first time he said that you were his and his alone... and he betrayed that.
The person would have to PROVE to me that they were repentant to once again to be with me. I might forgive them enough to be friends or neighbors, but to be with me again she would have to PROVE she was truly repentant. Not just sorry, but REPENTANT.
So I think that was terribly confusing... Sorry for this and being only human. I hope my heart shows through where my words have failed.