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Re: What if

Postby Smiley » Tue May 08, 2012 2:58 pm

Every situation is different. If there were ongoing lies and deceit,I would have to say scrape that person off the sole of your shoe and move on.Once the commitment is made no honorable person shops for a better deal.If a relationship ends, there is no law that says it cannot be re-kindled but to accept a cheater is to say that you do not deserve honesty and respect.
I know a lot of people that cheat and I have a very low opinion of it.
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Re: What if

Postby Edwin » Tue May 08, 2012 10:08 pm

"Once the commitment is made no honorable person shops for a better deal." by Smiley. I agree with you on this Smiley. If you make a commitment, you live with it. It is like being good for your word. This is kind of like Red was talking about communicating with a guy, thinking he was her one and only, and she was being the only one for him. When she learned that she was one of several, it hurt her. This has been debated whether you communicate with a number, and then narrow that number down, then eliminate others until you finally get the right one. I think it is important to be honest, and if you are not the only one, or she is not the only one, let the other person know, so that the person will not figure he/she is the only one, then get hurt later, whenever he/she finds out that he/she is not the only one. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What if

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 10, 2012 5:09 pm

Well, it is 99.99% impossible to trust the person again. It is also 99.99% to accept him as to be future husband.

If in case, he did not find another woman, or let us say he just need space, and then realize that he really love the woman, then I can accept.
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Re: What if

Postby Edwin » Fri May 11, 2012 1:54 am

I think, Crisi, it all depends on the hearts of the people involved, and how they feel. Also it depends on what God wants for people wanting to please Him, which all of us should. I think the people involved will know and decide what to do about that. Like you said, Crisi, there is reason not to trust, so it is almost a sure thing that you would not trust, but then the possibility is there depending on the person, and what you believe God wants you to do. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What if

Postby red » Fri May 11, 2012 2:58 am

as the saying goes trust only the Lord not the person.
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Re: What if

Postby Edwin » Sat May 12, 2012 1:35 am

Yes, we can trust the Lord, and he will never let us down. People fail us often times, but Jesus is a friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Sometimes I think people don't intend to let other people down, but they don't think when they should, or they run out of energy before helping. For some it is unintentional, and in some cases it is intentional, and that is hard to understand. Jesus enemies hated him without cause. They had no reason to hate Jesus, but they did. Jesus was responsible for creating everything along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the reason those people who were His enemies were alive. We need to be there for each other, and we are to love one another, and that is a sign that we are born of God! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What if

Postby lyrehc » Mon May 14, 2012 9:26 am

In my life there has been a time my boyfriend for almost 5 years and at the same time my best friend, he betrayed me for a girl and after 6 month he was trying to convince me to take him back..I't was the hardest time in my life that happen, but I never give him another chance, I know in my heart I still love him and even until now the word "What if", comes into my mind I remind of the past that will never come back. My mind never regret that decision I made but on the contrary my heart aches :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't know what happen that he made a biggest mistake in his life, since high school were friends and not just friend were very close friend, It's sad that until now our friendship is gone because pride take everything we had...Some times I was thinking of going in the past and undo what has been done but looking at my daughter, seeing her makes me want's to stay where I am now. Having her makes all my "what if" all gone....There are times in life that we have made decision, not just for our self to be free and to love but also decision that hurt us and teaching us to be a better person.
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Re: What if

Postby fenmoor » Mon May 14, 2012 7:31 pm

wantingmore wrote:What if your boyfriend find another woman? Later he found out they are not meant for each other? Then later on decided to go back to you? Will there be a chance for you to accept him?

Well Wantingmore. I think this is one of the hardest questions any one in the world will ever have to answer. I will tell you that I was the worst person in the world for my Lord Jesus. Many times I have left him for some one else (sin) and he has always accepted me back. If I have been forgiven so much, so I really tend to desire SO much to forgive others.... Only, some times I cannot.

My ex began contacting other men while we were still together. I was able to forgive her, but in the end it did not work, because the cheating was part of her soul, not just a mistake.

So I would say it depends on if he is truly "repentant" like what Jesus requires from us. Does he truly hate what he has done and vows to never go there again? Does he TRULY mean this? It is SO hard to know this for certain. After all, you believed him the first time he said that you were his and his alone... and he betrayed that.

The person would have to PROVE to me that they were repentant to once again to be with me. I might forgive them enough to be friends or neighbors, but to be with me again she would have to PROVE she was truly repentant. Not just sorry, but REPENTANT.

So I think that was terribly confusing... Sorry for this and being only human. I hope my heart shows through where my words have failed.

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Re: What if

Postby Edwin » Mon May 14, 2012 11:23 pm

I am the type of guy who wants to fix things not only for myself but for everyone else as well. Carol tells me that many times I can't fix things that happen. If there is an accident, I want to go back and make it not happen, and then do something different, but the accident has happened, and there is no fixing it. When someone dies, often times I want to bring them back and do something better, something different, but usually when a person dies they are gone, and there is no fixing it. When a young lady or young gentleman, one or the other is unfaithful, or leaves for someone else, often times the damage is done, and there is no fixing it. Some things can be fixed and others can't be. It all depends on the people and what happened whether or not it can be fixed. Better to live carefully, and not do things that afterwards needs to be fixed, and often times can't be fixed. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What if

Postby crisipicada » Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:54 am

That is true we have so many what ifs in life. Even me, i become more negative about life especially when i see someone's life that it is full of pain and hurt. Though sometimes i want to think positive that I will be able to overcome those but still I am so much carried away what i have observed negative things. To keep me on tract, I really need to be inspired by the Word of GOd. It really helps. :)
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